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  • This French animation is a very delicate affair; the animation is detailed but yet simple in its nature, and it plays out without great fanfare, big moments, or emotional showreel moments. Instead it focuses on a child who doesn't do anything wrong, but just seems to miss fitting in with a group that she is new to. As a result, she is teased in the way that outsiders often are by children - children who love a group in the way we all do, and who struggle to step out of that thinking, even if they are at an age where they see it is wrong or causing pain.

    The ease with which it happens is well portrayed here; it is small moments multiplied by the inherent cruelty of children. Clemence tries to find her own space, but they close on her for being insular, while then also reacting to her when he takes steps to reach out to them. It is effective for how simple but yet precise it all is, and the conclusion pays it all off in a satisfying and impacting way.