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  • I really enjoyed season 1. The content of season 2 is great as well. HOWEVER!!! Someone fire the post production sound mixer guy. The softest volume item on the show (most noticeable in episode 1 season 2) is Joel's voice. Are you kidding? The loudest volume item was the theme song at the end. Right in the middle were the clips. What is this, the "Joel Mchale theme song guy show"? Very unprofessional. Disappointing. And who the heck is labeling this show unscripted? It is anything but. There. I feel better.
  • As a massive fan of The Soup, I was ecstatic to hear that Joel MacHale was getting a new show on Netflix, and I am happy to say, its as if they just picked up where they left off. Taking hilarious jabs at pop culture and silly TV shows. Its basically the same format as the original Soup, Joel stands in front of in front of a green screen as he makes fun of the bottom of the barrel of TV trash. I laughed just as hard as I did with the original soup and I highly look forward to the rest. Its going to be a weekly show so I cant wait for the next episodes.

    The show is also uncensored, which is very fun to see. It also tales many jabs at the Soup and his team of workers. The exclaim its amazing that someone gave Joel another job, and also remembering how bad the animated titles were. The show also doesn't just do TV like the Soup did, it also does internet videos like Tosh.0. I'm am so overjoyed that this show didn't suck like so many other Netflix shows, I highly looking forward to what is basically more episodes of the original Soup.

    I recommend this to any Soup fan.
  • I was an avid viewer of The Soup and absolutely loved it. Was really looking forward to "Soup V2" but honestly, it's not as good or clever. The writing isn't that strong and the segments are also just okay. I will continue watching it since I'm a fan of Joel McHale but was expecting much more. Hopefully it gets better.
  • A while back I used to watch Tosh.0 off and on. The comedy in the internet clips was apparent, but the host's comedy never really landed for me. It lacked any real depth, it was mostly shallow, cheap jokes. I started watching this show because I had seen a bit of The Soup before and liked it. Nearly every episode off this show has me crying, holding my gut laughing! Not only does the crew do a fantastic job of finding the right clips but Joel has great charisma and comedic delivery. Nearly every bit is not only a great gag, but also a slightly deep satire on comedy (and other) tropes. Hats off to the writer(s) of this show.
  • I am writing this review mostly for the people outside U.S. this show focuses on American tv, and if you are not very used to that kind of stuff I think some jokes wont be very understandable but overall I think you can make a sense of the jokes and I did so too, but the problem might be because of american humor is kind of different than what I am used to, I do really like some american comedy shows but some just make me very confused just like this one, I have started to watch this show because I really like community and I also like Joel as an actor so I wanted to check this out, the show is actually very addicting but I won't say it's very funny, the clips they show are actually very good for comedy purposes but while watching it I am like " ah this is a very funny video I wonder what Joel gonna say about this...." (joel makes the joke) "oh come on you could find way better jokes than this" , but then I tried to find jokes by myself if I could think of a better joke and...yeah, it's hard, I suppose it is diffcult to come up with a joke when the video comes out of nowhere therefore finding a relevant joke is hard, but still I think they can find better jokes or more jokes to make the show more entertaining. I think I watch this show more for Joel McHale than the jokes themselves because he is a good entertainer, I do enjoy his style of comedy even if I don't really like all the jokes, even if you are outside of the United States I would say give it a chance, I think it will grow on you.
  • MrGreenLeef24 April 2018
    When i first stumbled across this show I was sure I was going to hate it, But surprisingly I thoroughly enjoyed it !! This show is everything that Tosh.0 was not....And by that I mean that its Funny as hell and watchable!! Keep up the great work Joel!
  • 3/27/18. I used to catch Joe McHale on The Soup whenever I could. His sarcastic commentaries about pop culture were great! Now it seems this is sort of an update of The Soup, which was canceled by E! in 2015. I love this show! Keep the episodes coming! McHale remains the master of snarky remarks.
  • I love Joel McHale and think aspects of this were great, but he kinda shot himself in the foot by making this show specifically about US reality tv, making it not as funny for international audiences! Still a good show and I'll be watching a lot of it.
  • jackjteed18 February 2018
    While some review(s) balk at the concept of the show, saying that Joel McHale can't run something like this or that this is some sort of low point, I need only reference the fact that this is, in all relevant ways, The Soup which ran for over a decade.

    And this show is The Soup, except on Netflix (dum-dummm), and aside from some jokes geared at the network and other slight changes, this is essentially the same show that you remember.

    From the fantastically ridiculous and out-of-context clips to the impromptu cameos and cheesy segment openers, it is the perfect successor to the series, and the same parts that used to make me laugh are doing so once again.

    That all being said, this show is not for everyone (the same could be said for the original), but if you liked McHale's last half-hour standing in front of a green screen once a week, you should not be disappointed.
  • Wow this is really good. I was trying to find The Soup 2004 -2015 but it seems to be gone from the internet.. I watched this instead and it was much better than anticipated. The low rating reviews in this thread make me laugh just as hard as the show. "Carbon copy of other shows doing the same thing, Joe McHale is not a big enough personality to make it any better/different than the others."
  • tranmereguy20 February 2018
    So unfunny, non of the jokes are clever or land at all and to top that off he is paired with an over enthusiastic annoying crowd that laugh even if the breathes
  • smoke00844 August 2018
    This is his lane. He's an equal opportunist. Do dumb stuff on tv and he'll call it out. He's quick smart and funny. Was always wondering what happened to the Soup... i hope Netflix never cancels this show.
  • filmbufferx18 February 2018
    Few things on TV are as tedious as watching a celebrity stiffly deliver unfunny jokes while his sycophantic late night infomercial audience, excited just to be on TV, guffaws enthusiastically at absolutely everything (I've seen too many laugh-like-your-life-depends-on-it audiences in recent times). None of the jokes fly (few even get out of hangar), and the thing is, McHale looks like he knows he's not funny and his jokes are meh. His broad shoulders are nowhere near wide enough to carry a show with this sort of platform and it shows on his face as he smirks awkwardly, as if apologising to his career. Maybe that's the joke. Netflix has delivered some very good comedy, yet in recent days most of it has been ho-hum non-starters, and if the first episode of "The Joel McHale Show with Joel McHale" is anything to go by, this is a non-starter living on borrowed time.
  • For twelve seasons, actor and presenter Joel McHale supplied sarcastic quips and consistent giggles on his E! channel comedy series "The Soup", itself a revamped spin-off of the network's prior franchise "Talk Soup." With his trademark sardonic charm, McHale lampooned and poked fun at popular culture, taking a specific aim at television and news media. And it was a fantastic bit of low-budget and even lower-brow fun with a simple format- show some clips and crack some jokes. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and "The Soup" was cancelled during the 2015 Holiday season.

    Or was it?

    Well, yeah. It was. But that didn't stop good-old streaming empire Netflix from digging it up, dusting it off and giving it a fresh new spit-and-polish. While it technically can't go by its classic name, "The Joel McHale Show with Joel McHale" is for all intents and purposes a reboot of the beloved cult comedy series, boasting a near-identical format and even much of the original crew behind the scenes. And the result is a refreshing bit of fun for all fans who were hoping for another hearty helping of 'soup.'

    With a slightly (and I do mean "slightly") boosted budget, McHale and his merry crew are once again showing us the best of the worst that the entertainment world has to offer, giving us clips from everything from television reality shows to sporting events to viral internet videos, and playfully poking fun at just how silly it really is. Mixed in with dopey skits, themed segments ("Sports Segment... brought to you by... BEVERAGES!") and other assorted goofiness, "The Joel McHale Show with Joel McHale" is just about everything a fan of "The Soup" could want. Heck, the pilot even had a mini-impromptu "Community" reunion to boot, which was a nice treat for fans of McHale's other famous comedy series! (Side Note: Netflix, you already have about half the cast in your employ... make "Community" the next show you revive, please!)

    Now all that being said, there is definitely going to be a bit of a transition. And I can already see the unease in the early reviews here that are lambasting the show for its faults. It's been a couple years, guys. Don't dismiss the show due to a slightly rough-around-the-edges pilot. McHale and the writers are clearly getting back into the swing of things, and you can already tell they're all having a blast and that it's gonna get better and better as it goes along. A few mistimed gags in the first episode aren't enough to derail the whole experience. As a longtime fan of both McHale and "The Soup", I had an absolute blast with "The Joel McHale Show with Joel McHale", and I'll definitely be tuning in every week to see what they have up their sleeves next.

    I'm giving "The Joel McHale Show with Joel McHale" a very good 8 out of 10. It has plenty of laughs to go around, and I can't wait to see the next episode.

    (Note: This review may be updated in the future based on the strengths and weaknesses of future episodes.)
  • haleybarber22 April 2018
    This is an awesome show with funny clips! Well worth the watch
  • I love this show like I loved The Soup. I'm so happy that it exists....sometimes when I think about shows like The Bachelor or those Kardashian a**holes I think what horrible world am I living in??.....but then Joel comes along and makes fun of them and I once again I have hope for the human race. Please continue this show, Netflix (ba-bong)....I need it to brighten my day.
  • qalusia27 April 2020
    The best part is the clips, not sure why but the whole thing is just not coming together. Persona + the humour, just doesn't do it for me. Feels stiff, unnatural.
  • Love the show and love all the fresh, new comedy and all the segments and especially the characters. NETFLIX BETTER GIVE US A SEASON 2!
  • 2 stars to the guy randomly pressing the fake laughter button though.
  • Netflix cancelled this show because it says low viewers. But I loved The Soup and would have been thrilled to watch this show but never heard of it until now (June 2022). My husband and I have been loving it! Before we noticed it was from 2018, my husband said to me there better be 6 more seasons of this show. We were both so sad to see there is no more.

    I hope they bring this show back!
  • My wife and I watched every episode within about a week. Needs some consistency with segments but overall it's good. I'm not a skateboarding video of a guy busting an ankle or a zit popping laugh guy. Which is what it seems most are going too. Joel seems to focus on the less noticed things.
  • I mean, let's face it, the show is really kinda bad, but so bad it's great. The way they seem to find those gems of moments that just leave you jaw hanging from various reality TV shows.

    Also, as the title says, it's something about Joel McHale. He's just a very likable person for some reason.. and he's really "spreading his legs" here... That's a spoiler for ya lol

    And yeah, there are some really great and funny cameos as well. Top notch actors giving funny and awkward performances to parody the content of the show.

    In some weird ways, Joel reminds me of Norm MacDonald, right down to the awkwardness with which he interacts with his guests.

    Good job Joel and really the whole team. For the production costs of this thing, you did an amazing job of creating entertaining content!

    Even the credit song, which I definitely listened to... at least once..
  • getoffmetwit19 February 2018
    Couldn't get through 5 minutes of this show. Unfunny waste of time....
  • Worst thing to ever hit Netflix and thats saying a lot... The jokes arent funny, the guests are just making fools out of themselves. This show could kill what little is left of Joel McHale's career..... Dont waste your time on this pos show.
  • And it's a shame because there is so much trashy reality TV material to make fun of that it could have been hilarious.
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