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  • Warning: Spoilers
    "one's first love." This episode was a pretty great followup to "love affair!?" In it, we have Yuzu basically making another one of her rash decisions by basically ousting her homeroom teacher as being garbage. Right in front of the students, the faculty, the chairman....yeah. Naturally, she gets expelled for making that scene. There are some aspects of the episode that I did love such as Yuzu taking it upon herself to expose the teacher for Mei's sake, even though it ended badly for her. Yuzu's slow revelation that she was falling for her stepsister was also pretty well executed. While I completely understand why many fans give Mei's grandfather a lot of flak in this, but personally, I feel that it isn't out of line for him to expel Yuzu. I mean, she basically just blabbed his family's personal business to the entire school body, and no doubt humiliated him. It makes sense for him to do this, though with forcing Mei to stay with him is a little much for me. I get that she basically tampered with this whole arranged marriage thing, but it is a little much. Then again, he did walk in on his granddaughter basically being on top of his step-granddaughter.....