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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Being a Muslim and open-minded belly dancer, I love the handsome and smart president Barack Obama. Unlike Donald Trump, he respects all religions and races and a Noble prize winner. This Documentary is so real and unbias, it exposes facts with neutrality.

    Absolutely recommended.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is not so much a review as a statement and a response to the all the people being haters and leaving 1 star reviews.

    I like Obama, I believe he he did a lot of good for this country. However, I also know he did quite a bit of bad.

    But let's keep it real people, every single president in US history has done bad, some less than others and some a whole lot more than others. Figuring out where on that scale Obama lands, well, to each their own.

    Now, to everyone who is watching this and hating it because they obviously already hate Obama; WHY IN THE WORLD ARE YOU WATCHING A DOCUMENTARY ABOUT SOMEONE YOU ALREADY HATE?!!

    It's not titled "Obama: Revealing the Evil Underbelly of...whatever". It's titled "Obama: The President Who Inspired the the World". So, obviously it's not going to be a negative look at his administration, you know right up front that it's going to be a positive documentary.

    Seriously, I don't get it!!! Did you think it might contain some new life altering information that could change your opinion of him?! I really, really don't get it!

    I am absolutely terrified of spiders, so the last thing I'm going to do is watch a documentary on the history of spiders.

    It just wouldn't make any sense for me to do so, unless of course I had absolutely nothing better to do with my life than to sit down and suffer through an hour of nothing but spiders just so I had the opportunity to leave nasty reviews and have one more audience to whine to about how much I hate spiders.

    So, I reiterate; if you already hate Obama, why are you watching this documentary?!

    Seriously?!! You complain about losing an hour of your life that you'll never get back, I'm assuming no one forced you to watch it; you are the one who chose to sit down and watch it. So, if you want to be annoyed with someone take a look in the mirror; the face starring back at you, that's the only person you should be taking your anger out on.