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  • Just watched the movie and - wow - what a snooze-fest. I'm from Germany but I'm not a fan of most of the German movie productions. I guess this movie is yet another dragging and boring one, the characters are rather wooden and the first hour is plain awful. I don't understand why Germans don't get that the pacing is everything, especially when it comes to a thriller. I was actually about to stop watching but I wanted to know the outcome. The twist is actually really good and it moved me. The social aspect is very real. I find the acting solid and the overall storyline fascinating. The production fell flat, though.
  • Thanks to this excellent entertainment, though, I am thinking about upgrading another film I rated 1 years ago to 2 in retrospect. Only for comparison's sake, but even this comparison is lame.

    Now our famous host asks for 385 characters more. And I'm afraid I cannot subtract the film's two dozent characters from that which would be helpful for once.

    The blurry (more exact in German: verschwommene) story is about a cruise ship that creeps across the pond in six days at a speed of about 12 knots, maybe less. So the Atlantic must have shrunk recently. The same pace has the rather random plot peppered with illogical twists and turns, which the audiance has to endure.