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  • Warning: Spoilers
    "war of love." In the eighth episode of Citrus, Matsuri and Yuzu go to the mall on a "date." Unfortunately for Matsuri, Mei so happened to tag along, and as you would probably tell, they have yet to see eye to eye. Of course, Matsuri tries to take advantage of the whole scenario, but Yuzu is too fixated on Mei to really acknowledge her advances. Matsuri leaves in a huff, but while playing one of the arcade games, she gets an idea when two young boys were peeping up her skirt, a cliche in anime.

    Matsuri calls Mei, asking her to meet with her in a secluded area. Once there, Matsuri tears into Mei, accusing her of only using Yuzu to console herself from her personal issues, which is pretty accurate in some ways. Even though it is also kind of hypocritical for Matsuri to say because she is basically doing the same thing she calls out Mei on. So Matsuri's all "keep your dirty hands off my oneesan, you damned pervert!" but what Mei does is shocking if you hadn't read the manga first. In short, she kisses Matsuri, but not out of any affection as you may think, but rather because it was to "steal" a kiss that Matsuri had taken from Yuzu. Unbeknownst to her, the two boys from earlier were filming the entire fiasco. While Matsuri was hoping to get Mei to strike her as a way of breaking the bond between the two stepsisters, she is still happy with the end result. So, possible blackmail come the next episode?

    And we do get a nice callback to episode 5 where Yuzu asks Mei permission to hold her hand, And we get the followup to that. With Mei, there are some hints that she is slowly thawing the more she spends time with Yuzu as she intends on finishing up some of the council work before the 23rd of December. Good to see that she is starting to emote more. But at the end, we have more conflict between Matsuri and Mei to prepare for come next week's episode. Only 4 more episodes left to go.