User Reviews (2)

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  • I recently had the pleasure of watching Clark, and to say it was a delightful experience would be an understatement. Not only did it showcase the beloved character in all his rambunctious charm, but it also cleverly delved into the complexities of failing to correctly assess a situation, making it an amusing film for audiences of all ages.

    The cast is superb, with Aramis Gomez delivering a charming and nuanced performance as Clark. He captures the innocence, optimism, and enthusiasm of the character, while also showing his vulnerability, confusion, and growth. William McNamara is hilarious as the kidnapper who struggles to understand Clark. He also has great chemistry with Gomez, as they play off each other's comedic timing and contrasting personalities. The supporting cast is equally impressive, with Sean S. Cunningham and Michelle Bruce who each execute lively performances.

    Clark is a delightful and refreshing fantasy/comedy that subverts the expectations of its iconic source material.
  • It is nice that short films have made a comeback in the 21st Century, largely thanks to the championing of amateurism that widely accessible video technology has fostered. This modern version of that old chestnut "The Ransom of Red Chief" is watchable but old hat.

    Heavy on obvious humor and slapstick, the notion of a kid so obnoxious that the parents are glad to have the kidnapper hold on to him is strictly one-joke territory.