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  • I've seen many documentaries and a few surf movies, but with so much archive footage, current interviews of the subjects, a serendipitous gathering, and a well done narrative, this was the best documentary I've ever seen. Granted, I'm a sports fan and did slightly follow surfing in the 90's, but even the wife was intrigued and watched with interest.
  • tcorley-527-83425520 December 2018
    I have never watched anything to do with surfing, but this documentary was very captivating. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and truly felt the sense of family between these guys. It was incredible. Thank you!
  • Was reminiscing about old surfer movies like Big Wednesday, Endless Summer and others. This popped up and wow what a deep, painfully yet pleasant transparent look into the human soul it turned out to be. Huge thank you to everyone who put this together and allowed this honest look into the sport snd your lives, and friendships.
  • This is a truly extraordinary, deeply moving film. It beautifully portrays the intertwined paths that these young surfers take from innocent, playful (and of course mischievous) childhood to adulthood and deeper wisdom and truth. It leaves you realizing how the chaos of reality, when distilled to its essence by a creative soul, can be shaped into stories that far exceed fiction in their power and depth. The film portrays universal human experiences that revolve around but transcend surfing: triumphs that give you chills, friendships that define the true meaning of the term, follies that make you laugh out loud, tragedies and life lessons that bring tears to your eyes. If you're already a surfer, it will touch your heart in ways that you already understand on multiple levels. If you're not, it will make you want to experience the beauty of it. But above all, if you're alive in the modern world, it offers an inspirational and spiritually enlightening allegory for how to save your soul in a world that is far too obsessed with commercialism, competition, money, and material success. It's as cleansing as duck-diving through a sparkling wave and paddling out for a sunlit session of endless barrels (your eyes may be equally moist before it's over..). A spectacular, heartwarming achievement that enriches its viewers beyond words. Standing ovation!
  • The hurried pace of this documentary made it seem much shorter than it actually was, in a good way. Seeing surfing through the eyes of these legends, while peaking behind the curtain a bit was truly satisfying. If you even have a pacing fancy for the sport, you need to check it out.
  • jedi928221 December 2018
    I came to see hot guys surf big waves, left with renewed motivation, inspiration, and faith in humanity.

    This was the most captivating documentary I have ever seen. Never a dull moment, lots of feels, lots of realness. It was fascinating watching these guys grow as human beings. Such a beautiful true story about hope, loss, struggle, success, failure, and finding oneself.

    This doc/film was so perfect, my biggest problem with it was the music they played at the end for the credits. I would have much more appreciated some Pennywise or Unwritten Law. So that's why I had to come here, rate it 10/10 and write this review.
  • A really enjoyable documentary that recounts the progression of a group of friends, from kids having fun to legends in the sport of surfing.

    And to the reviewer who was disappointed about the music in the closing credits: That is Jack Johnson, one of the surfers featured in the film, who also happened to become a world famous musician.
  • Was lucky enough to grow up in California and lived 2 years in Australia where I feel in love with surfing. Surfing is a beautiful, soulful experience more than any other sport I've played and this film captures this. But most of all it tells a wonderful story of a once in a generation group of guys who came together in their teens and changed surfing and became the best in the world. Most of it all it tells the story of friendship and how surfing saved them all from the broken life that could have befallen them if they didn't find this wonderful sport. Wonderful documentary for everyone ur regardless if you know anything about the sport. Watch it today!
  • I really liked this film. I have never heard if these guys, so it was awesome. Its got a lot if testosterone; too much sometimes. In some ways, they are very immature. I have known death far too well, and death knows me. I grew up in a much different environment. Still, this is a must see film.
  • Interesting story about a group of surfers, that delivers good footage of surfing, but also evolves into a documentary about life
  • mrkline16 March 2019
    Awesome, this movie pulled me in like one of the big waves in the movie and held me until the end.