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  • Warning: Spoilers
    These are the "Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards 2018" at which we are taking a look tonight on the occasion of this December 2020 awards show review marathon. Let's start with the basics. It says 1.5 hours here on imdb and this includes commercial. The commercial-free version is minimally over an hour long, which makes this a pretty short ceremony, even compared to other Kids' Choice Awards in the past. This is not a negative criticism though by any means. I am all for compact and focused, but the outcome here still felt the exact opposite. I will get to that later. One thing I would likd to say now already is that it felt a bit strange now in 2020 corona times so see a location this packed with people. But this shall pass as well. The director here is Glenn Weiss, you could call him the godfather of awards shows looking at the gigantic amount of events he has been in charge of the direction for sure. Sadly, not all of it is good quality and this is another event that fits the description. This is of course not all about him, but at least as much because of the writing and the people that were part of this show. Speaking of the writing, the very basic script here is by Kaminski and Reece. The former has worked on other Nickelodeon awards events in the past and Reese is even more experienced looking at everything she has been a part of before this event. Sadly said experience does not pay off here and the outcome is mostly a disappointment. This already starts with John Cena. Generally, I am not sure if and how much I like the guy, but this show did not make things better when it comes to my perception of him. From what I saw here, his comedic talent and comedic timing may not really be up there with the best and also it makes me a little less curious about the gilms he has been in honestly. But I don't want to bash him too much, not only because I could run into him one day, but also because he can only be as good as the material he is given and his lines weren't exactly winner level most of the time. The ending was find though. Predictable of course with the initially not too massive slime attack on his lower body half, but also most of all the explosion that follows right after. One thing that also disappointed me here was the music really. I mean I did not expect truly sublime acts, but it would have been nice had this been a bit better than some of the big music awards shows because it clearly takes itself less seriously. Stuff like "Swish Swish Fish", completely unrelated to if it is a song in which Perry is criticizing Swift (let's be honest, bullying sucks, but she still kinda deserves it), is just not quality music.

    The kinda good news is this show has some focus on the awards, but it is also fairly telling that one has to list this as a positive attribute for an awards show really. On many, many other recent awards shows they gave us one performance after the next, only interrupted by political messages and the awards felt almost forgotten entirely. Not to here. There are many awards part of the program. Sadly, with the exception of "Stranger Things" perhaps, I cannot say I particularly appreciate, let alone support, any of the winners we got here. By the way, this was the 31st edition of the show, which means it goes way back into the 80s already and has a solid amount of tradition. But with that also comes responsbility because what we had here was all over the place, but extremely unfunny and not entertaining at all sadly. Even the slime moments felt hardly a major part of the show still. I mean they did pretty cool events and stunts on other occasions. Those has clearly been filmed a while before the broadcast, but it wwas not a problem at all. Oh yeah, the trademark zeppelin is here included as well. As for the people on this show, again a few words on Cena, who I felt had more screen time tha many other hosts did when the show ran for another half hour. But yeah, his material just wasn't the best. I know I'm repeating myself. The joke with his "family" that is basically him being dressed up as several characters gets old within seconds and yet they stretch it through the entire show. Come on, our kids don't deserve that. Hailee Steinfeld was there too, one of the highlights for me, even if I must admit I am not as big on her as I was directly after her Oscar nomination. Can't believe this is already also a decade ago. Hopefully her next decade will become better in terms of the movies she appears in. She was a presenter by the way. Speaking of presenters, there's also some included here that I like considerably less than Hailee. Best example is Kristen Bell, whose inclusion on "Frozen" makes it easy for me to watch a dubbed version. No clue anyway whe she is conatntly on these shows, not only because she is not a talented actress at all, but also people who have seen her (character) on "House of Lies" should really understand that she has no connection to young audiences really, no matter how hard she tries to convince people otherwise. But hey, Ben Schwartz was here too. He is equally unbearable and unfitting, basically the male equivalent. Oders I did not like were the Schwarzenegger son and Mel B. and Heidi Klum and Will Smith's son etc. The latter announced another act, but sorry, even if I like "Happy", I cannot take a band with the name "N.E.R.D." seriously whatsoever. Channing Tatum was alright I guess, for me personally one of the more likable inclusions, but not really a contest either here with how annoying so many others were. As for the winners and nominees, I cannot say too much about those either. Many shows for example I have not even heard of and the winning people feel a bit on the questionable site too (Zendaya e.g. or most of all BTS, at them and their success I can really only shake my head, they cannot even sing really). Okay, this is pretty much it. From my fairly low rating you can see what I amthinking of this show overall anyway. Besides, I am never big on the idea of films being promoted at events like this. That's even worse and more away from the core it should be about than constant music performances. And are young people even allowed to watch "Infinity War"? Okay, that is all now. I guess Jumanji, Lovato and Let's Dance (video game) winning crucial awards that night says it all how much quality you can expect here. A bit of a pity though. I have seen editions of this event in the past already and frequently they were just way mor entertaining and also honored more deserving artists and projects (movies etc.). Here it all went wrong. Massive thumbs-down. Highly not recommended and the only kinda positive thing I can say here is that it was such a short show in terms of duration. Definitely skip and I hope the quality can improve drastically in the coming years otherwise it may be better to discontinue this one.