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  • This was fun but not great. If you have kids give it a watch with them. Rose Byrne is in it and fantastic. Didn't see peter rabit 1 but don't think you need to before seeing this one.
  • Am one of those people who really enjoyed the first 'Peter Rabbit'. A masterpiece it was not, but it was so much better than expected and was entertaining. While sequels don't always have a good reputation, there are some great ones out there and even masterpieces that are as good as their originals ('Godfather Part II', 'Aliens', 'Terminator 2', 'Empire Strikes Back'). Did though question the need for 'Peter Rabbit' getting a sequel when the first could easily have been a one off.

    'Peter Rabbit 2' disappointed. It is not a terrible film and has its moments and good things, but its mixed critical reception is more than understandable, and agreed with sadly, and my feelings are pretty mixed. The first is definitely better, while this didn't feel needed and lacked what made the first so enjoyable (despite having the same cast back). As far as 2021 films go, 'Peter Rabbit 2' is not one of the worst, but among the best it is a long way from.

    The good things are going to be listed first. It looks fine, with the photography and locations being lovely. Even better is the work on the animals, they look wonderful and gel seamlessly with the locations and what goes on around them. While the placement of the soundtrack was not great, the song selection was pretty good, characterful and diverse and the score fitted at least.

    Domhnall Gleeson and Rose Byrne do their best bringing charm into their underwritten roles. Most of the voice cast are very good, with the standout being Lennie James as one of the film's most interesting characters (being one of the few to get a backstory and clear motivations). There are some amusing lines, Peter's sisters have a lot of personality as do all the animal characters. One of the better moments was also the self-aware moment of Peter acknowledging that his voice is annoying.

    On the other hand, the flaws are many. Peter himself is very difficult to root for, a big problem considering that in this story you are supposed to do so, due to the film going too far on showing his flaws and not enough of his good intentions. James Corden this time is irritating, he was fine before but comes over as cocky and obnoxious this time. The story this time felt messy and felt like two stories in one. The book deal subplot is very thin and over-stretched. Fine actor David Oyelowo deserved better than the stock obvious role he was given and he comes over as very one dimensional. Amazing how it took so long for the other characters to see through him.

    Meanwhile, the main plot with Peter is very over-stuffed, too busy and too over-reliant on confused slapstick, the truth about one character's intentions being not a shock for a second and repetitive humour, especially with the rooster and petshop. Personally did find myself confused with what the film was trying to be and who it was being aimed at, so target audience was a big problem. With some of it being juvenile for adults and too complicated for younger audiences. For a family film there is not an awful lot to enjoy for younger viewers and older ones will only find it mildly amusing.

    While finding the soundtrack choices nice, the placement was often questionable. With it not being harmonious with the action sometimes and being too loud. Charm is too little and the attempts at emotional drama come over as too sentimental. The ending is too rushed and convenient and the pacing is all over the shop, draggy in the subplot and too hectic in the main one.

    Summing up, underwhelming but not bad despite how all that sounded. 5/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    After 13 days of 12 hour+ shifts we needed something mindless. This definitely ticked the box! It was charming, great moral at the end and kept us engaged despite exhaustion. The first one had us both laughing out loud. Sadly this was only smile worthy and the use of CGI does help with the comedy action but it also takes something away from it. There were some obvious mistakes that felt like a bad influence on children - picking up the rabbits by their ears, not giving them water in the cage etc. Easy things to have not done so they were odd choices, or perhaps a lack of attention to detail. As former rabbit owners, we felt this was irresponsible, so if watching this with a child, I'd suggest some guidance! Also, children are easily influenced, and showing them that rabbits can be thrown in the air, might not have been a wise choice! However, there were plenty adult jokes and whilst we won't rush out to buy it, we'd watch it again with the nieces and nephews.
  • Why the eff did they give beatrix potter a stupid effing baby? In real life she never had kids as her focus was the hill top farm! Enough with the pronatalist bs already especially when it does little to reflect her actual life!
  • Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway Movie Review

    Peter rabbit is an half cgi/real life family movie. The sequel to the movie no body wanted Like all cgi movies, they have an awesome cast. James Corden as Peter, Margot Robbie as Flopsy, Elizabeth Debicki as Mopsy, Daisy Ridley as Cottontail rabbit, and Colin Moody as Benjamin. The male protagonist is played by Domnhall Gleeson while his counterpart is Rose Bryne. The movie is directed by Will Gluck.

    There are some movies that never should have sequel. This is one of them. I never expected it to be mind-blowing. I watched the first one to be a family fun time which it excelled at. I think that the story should've ended by that movie. Unfortunately, since the movie was worldwide hit, the producers jumped on the wagon of money making sequel. I never thought what the sequel would be, they did OKAY. The movie was nowhere close as the first one. The movie continues where Bea and McGregor got married. McGregor and Peter were on good terms. But McGregor still had some grudge against Peter. He wanted a real family, but Peter was thorn in his way. On the other side Bea started to write a book about the first movie story, which was picked by a famous publisher Nigel which was played by David Oyelowo. Nigel also considered Peter a brat. So the Peter went out the way, pushed everyone away to prove himself that he was the story of the movie. And the story continues and provides us with many different learnings that a kids movie should have.

    The fans of Peter Rabbit book will hate the movie cause the movie squeezes out of the characters from the book and creates a story out of nowhere. The first one was fun and worthy of watching. The second one is mixed bag. I think they should just stop here. But they already confirmed a third movie is in the works. I am gonna recommend you should watch the movie if you just want to have some fun. But if you are wanting a worthy successor, just leave it.

    Personal Review: 6/10 Rotten Tomatoes: 68%
  • The movie isn't memorable or perfect by any standards but it's a fun movie and I didn't find myself getting bored. I would recommend it as a fun family movie.
  • elliotjeory13 August 2021
    Fun kids films, not as good as the first, story was a little silly but I love the characters and if you do too you will love the film.
  • RATED 7/10 Language: English Source: Netflix

    Watchable sequel with enough entertainment. They criticise the sequel by themself and write the story on the same way.... Its not up to the first part and also not bad. Dont go with the expectation of first part. Fun movie to watch with family and kids.

    One time watchable.
  • luckystar-5919615 August 2021
    Absolutely awful film, rating boosters giving this 10/10 emplying it rates among Green mile, Shawshank as greatest films ever made.. it ain't.

    First film was superb, how it should be but this is a god awful in comparison.. padding out jokes,cringe worthy set pieces.. even kids would think eh at some bits. Ignore the 10/10 ones... It ain't that good.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Very funny film, and I found the movie to be well edited, and the scenes that were over dramatic seemed good as well, and the farther and rabbit scene was really good, that aside some of this was rushed. Introduced new characters and brushed them aside and they did it more then once that just makes it annoying as there's no chemistry between the characters well certainly not much. The whole humans hating on Rabbit's went a bit to far then anything else and that made me feel a bit annoyed at the people that thought being clever and knowing that people hate rabbits was a good idea because it was overused big time here. Some bits I do like about this movie other bits annoy me. Decent movie though ignore the fake 1/10 reviews like always and enjoy the movie!
  • Another example of James Corden stinking up a film. He makes me want Peter Rabbit turned into roadkill, abysmal.
  • Don't listen to the negative reviews. This movie deserves a way better rating, I think everyone was waiting for it be released. I really enjoyed the first Peter Rabbit Movie, and the sequel followed up nicely. It focuses a lot on Peter Rabbit not so much on the others, but what do you expect, it's title is Peter Rabbit 2. I could watch this movie more than once and still find it interesting. It is a funny film, with a storyline that makes me happy... or sad some times. But altogether I loved this movie, and I think you would two. Thank you developers!!

    Highly Recommend.
  • 7/10 - this entertaining enough sequel is sure to entertain young viewers and continues Will Gluck's winning streak of making good, if not great, movies (I include everything after his debut, Fired Up)
  • But for this film I'll make an exception. Awful in every possible way. James Corden horrific as ever, terrible CGI at times, transparent boring storyline, could have been crammed into 20 minutes.
  • maykermedina4 July 2021
    Súper fun... The animation are well done. The story really cool.
  • 3 out of 5 stars.

    Peter Rabbit 2 is a fair family film. Bringing back characters that we loved from the first film. Putting Peter in another adventure and theme about family. The sequel does lack humor compared to the first film. And less interesting human story than the first.

    The sequel story follows the two main characters getting married. And Peter suspecting that once married and having kids of there own. Him and the rabbits are forgotten. McGregor and Peter still clash at times. Peter feeling like an outsider as he is always in trouble. Or caught in a bad moment. He runs away and falls into an old family friend rabbit who knew his father. And has a gang that robs food from peoples houses. And they plot a heist in a farmers market. While his human friends and rabbits make on a journey to rescue Peter.

    Story was okay. A bit forgettable. The first focused on Peter and McGregor clashing for Rose Byrnes character and had a lot of entertaining moments. The sequel is missing a lot of the humor and memerable moments. It does have some sense of fun and cute characters that brings there fun energy on the screen that kids will enjoy. Adults may find this forgettable.
  • It's a real family film with a little something for everyone.

    It's not the sort of film critics would like but the sort families would like.

    It's entertaining from start to finish.
  • Not as good as the first film but it was still enjoyable. Children will enjoy it, however, the second act was a bit slow and my 10 year old son got a little bored before the final act.
  • Nothing special. Although it has some interesting quirks and some pretty funny jokes, this film is just mediocre at best. The story is dull the acting is pretty lacklustre and the cgi animals are god awful. James Corden just irritates me massively and his voice acting in this is just cringeworthy. There are some bits that are okay such as the meta/self aware jokes which came as a massive surprise and were actually decent but didn't come as often as I'd liked, the voice acting cast is stacked with massive talent but just wasn't enough to make this movie enjoyable! The heist bit near the end was okay and not terrible but just missed the part what made it actually significant as it was obvious what was going to happen. I loved the green day part as that came out of nowhere and did make me laugh to be fair. I also loved the rescue scene at the end and it was by far then best sequence in the whole film. All in all just not an amazing film but not terrible! But to be honest I didn't expect much at all! Nothing to be amazed by but not awful!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I saw "Peter Rabbit 2:The Runaway", starring the voice of James Corden-Ocean's Eight, Into the Woods; Rose Byrne-Like a Boss, the Insidious movies; Domhnall Gleeson-the Star Wars movies, The Revenant and David Oyelowo-Chaos Walking, Jack Reacher.

    This is a sequel to the 2018 'Peter Rabbit'-in case you couldn't tell by the number 2 in the title-that starts with Rose & Domhnall getting married. James is the voice of Peter, the mischievous rabbit that keeps getting into trouble. Rose, who wrote a children's book about her rabbit family, has gotten noticed by David, a book publisher, who sees dollar signs. But, David wants to change things to sell more books and the changes don't go over too well with Domhnall. Meanwhile, James gets mixed up with some shady characters that try to lead him down a wrong path. It's a movie with a message about family and who you can depend on.

    It's rated "PG" for some rude humor and action and has a running time of 1 hour & 33 minutes.

    It's one the kids-and accompanying adults-should enjoy so I would buy it on DVD.
  • Poor and weak storyline. Very much contrived and it felt like the songs were a late add on unlike the first film.
  • Bea and Thomas are getting married and extending the business! But Peter is feeling left out and misunderstood. Is running away going to provide what he's looking for? Can Thomas and Peter learn to live harmoniously together? This movie is filled with mischievous laughter and marvelous family lessons- a great watch for family movie night. The director specifically wanted this to be a movie that adults and kids would enjoy and it does that well. In a very rare turn of events, I think I enjoyed Peter Rabbit 2 even more than the first movie. And I think it is more family friendly as well! For a full parent review with more information on how appropriate it is for younger children, check out our full review at the down the hobbit hole blog. There is a lot of slapstick comedy, but also a lot of heart in this sequel! The twist they put on the classic story is magnificently fun. And while there is a fair amount of bathroom humor and cartoonish violence- I absolutely feel comfortable taking my 4 year old to see this one. It's a really cute sequel!
  • Come on with all these 9's & 10's.

    This is a pretty cute movie for the family but its hardly a 9 or 10.

    Remember, a 10 would be the BEST MOVIE EVER MADE!

    I say its great for the kids and has humor for the adults. Its a solid 6 and totally worth the watch.
  • This is the movie that did not need to me made- the story is so ridiculous, it makes absolutely no sense. There is no really plot. The movie keeps trying to get cheap laughs- and it falls flat every time. Do yourself a favour and just skip this one. I really loved the first one- so I am really astounded at how bad the second movie is.
  • jeroduptown14 June 2021
    Family movies are rare these days, but this one has laughs for a wide range at a fast pace. When Bea gets an offer to change her books into more profitable ones, Peter and her hubby bring her back to her true calling.
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