User Reviews (39)

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  • A rom com that could have been good, but just wasn't. No build up, their first encounter is strange, to say the least. At first I thought she was dreaming the whole thing. The ending, I don't think anyone needed that. Everything in has a few good moments, funny too. Very annoying how the time frame is off. She's 40, but refers to 'being born in the 70's'. And supposedly met her ex in college and was with him for 10 yrs, which ended a year ago (so at 39)? How? Things like this can easily be avoided. She also seems rather immature for a woman her age, with a high profile career.

    Now, it may be 'just' a rom com, but still a mediocre one.
  • chelseaniccum25 June 2023
    This movie is a cute rom-com. It is based on a book that I really enjoyed. It feels like a Hallmark movie and is a little cheesy, but overall still enjoyable. The soundtrack and fashion in it were both great. It is a nice feel-good movie. This movie had a couple of big name stars, but it didn't feel as well done as it could have been. This sometimes happens with romantic comedies or movies based on books. It was an enjoyable movie, but it just was not great. I don't think I would probably watch it again, but I did not regret watching it once. I remembered the story from the book and felt they could've done more with it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I saw Gabrielle Union on the front page cover and thought about the many movies she was in that were decent so I gave this a go, plus I wanted a break from all the sci-fi movies and reality tv shows I was binging.

    The start of the movie was already like okay awkward with the mom conversation but I kept on. Apparently she's a big name in the fashion industry and was humiliated by her ex boyfriend publicly and she went off the grid for about a year to live with her parents.

    Her mother wants her to move out. So she moves to Brooklyn and begs her "arch nemesis" for a job by insulting her and again weird but okay. She goes out to celebrate with her to a club. But then this was the start of the many red flags with the editing for me. Somehow she ends up by herself staring out the window smoking and then falling asleep standing up only to get startled by some random guy not dressed for the night. Then they engage in this awkward conversation and start making out and all I'm thinking is, that this is the ex boyfriend and they're role playing, but then she realizes he's too young and gets off from his lap and runs off to find her friends to leave what I think is an upscale club.

    She goes to work and who does she meets, you guessed it the young guy who happens to be her bosses son.

    Anyway after that scene more cringy things happen her boss makes her swear not to get involved with her son in a private meeting blah blah blah more cringy scenes then they get caught having oral in his moms house she gets fired obviously.

    So they break up because he didn't defend her against his mom. It seems like sometime has passed because of the montage of him dragging a Christmas tree up the street. However, it looks like it's still summer because I'm 100% sure that it's cold af in New York around Christmas time.

    Anyway, she leaves him a voicemail so they can meet up. While they're catching up or rather us viewers getting up to date with what thankfully awful scenes got cut off (her being a professor and him starting his own thing) then she reveals to him that she's pregnant.

    Like I was trying to do the math but truly nothing in this movie made sense so it was to no surprise that the math either. Anyway he wasn't happy he throws a fit and storms off the restaurant.

    Soooo, the ex boss visits her to tell her she won't abandon her grandchild like her parent did with her. Then out of nowhere he shows up to her gender reveal doc appointment and then he invites her to his mother's gala so apparently more cringy scenes gets cut off because they're back together and the movie ends.

    I'm sure if you got to the end of this overview you prob thinking that this review is bad, no, trust me, the movie is not that far off either. The good thing about it was that I got to see Remy Ma and Dwayne Wade briefly. I didn't even remember the names of anyone in the movie and I just finished watching it.

    I highly do not recommend watching this movie with high expectations but please support our black community.
  • Zerxo24 June 2023
    I had to Google the director because I couldn't believe someone so inexperienced/incompetent could get a film starring Gabrielle Union and debut at Tribeca Film Festival. It's a sweet effort but entirely amateurishly made.

    The camera work is awful. The lines of the characters are laughably bad. It's just a very laborious watch which is sad because it could have been so so much better, with a good director at the helm.

    After you get over the shock of how bad it is going to be, if you stick with it, it eventually settles into a slight charm, and the lead actor is so hot so that helps. But overall it's just so bad on so many levels, even my rating is generous.
  • Prepare for a rollercoaster of cringe and irritation! The two main leads in this film seemed more like pretty faces on a billboard than actors with real chemistry. The acting, to put it kindly, was subpar to say the least, which is ironic given the big names who came to play in this. Don't even get me started with the cringetopia that was the first meet-up between the main leads.

    And let's not forget about Gina Torres, who sadly became a caricature of herself in this film. Known for her captivating performances in the past, it was disheartening to see her reduced to a one-dimensional, over-the-top cringe portrayal.

    And oh, the patchy editing! Is it an avant-garde attempt at abstract art, or did someone accidentally spill coffee on the cutting room floor? I must admit, it was quite the artistic statement-except the statement was "please stop torturing me with this jumbled mess." The sporadic cuts and disjointed scenes were positively headache-inducing, almost like a migraine set to music. Irritation level: off the charts!

    Here's the thing: I didn't go into this film expecting a cinematic masterpiece or an Oscar-worthy performance. I simply wanted a guilty pleasure romcom-a light-hearted addition to my list of shamelessly enjoyable flicks. But alas, I ended up drowning in a sea of regret for sacrificing a precious 90 minutes of my life. If only I could request a refund for lost time!

    Now, let's talk about that third act. What on earth was that? Seriously, it was a blob of unnecessary events which left me questioning if someone was trying to live out their wildest fantasies through the characters.

    In conclusion, this film was a cringeworthy disaster that left me irritated to the core. The lack of chemistry, subpar acting, and puzzling editing choices made it a regrettable experience. If you're looking for an award-winning performance, you won't find it here. But if you're in the mood for an unintentional comedy or a masterclass in what not to do in filmmaking, then by all means, grab your popcorn and prepare for a wild ride.

    Rating: One star (for every pretty face, but that's about it!)
  • The shots of New York and the colors they used in the film is 10/10. But the actual movie seems rushed and forced. Zero chemistry whatsoever. The story is beautiful and I'm sure it felt beautiful to read the book. But that did not happen with this film. Which is disappointing. As a black woman I love watching black love. Idk lately it seems to me and I hate to say it, but production has gotten so much better with black films but the acting falls flat. Even with good established actors. Maybe use up and coming actors? Who still relate to us everyday black folk? It felt like all of the actors were just going through scenes and reading the script instead of connecting with it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I wish they'd done her hair, makeup and wardrobe a little differently. Somehow she didn't look as gorgeous in this movie as we know she usually looks.

    And I wish they didn't write her character like she was a 20 something with all the over the top emotional reactions to everything.

    I know not everyone in their 40s is emotionally mature but Jenna was supposed to be a professional woman with quite a bit of life experience and relationship experience. So it was surprising that the young guy's character seemed more mature and grounded than hers did.

    Overall I didn't mind the storyline. It was sweet and they seemed to have good chemistry.
  • tiffaneyp26 June 2023
    I really enjoy Tia Williams as an author, but this film was a terrible expression of her talents.

    The leads didn't have chemistry and there were many underdeveloped themes. My biggest disappointment with this movie is that the editing was awful. I rewound the movie about 10 minutes in because I thought I missed the opening scene where they actually provide context to the the main story line. The movie is disjointed. It's 30 or so random scenes that don't flow together rather than a movie.

    Beautiful actors, great wardrobe, and a good soundtrack don't overcome the glaring faults with this film.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The most awful thing I've ever seen in my life. Don't waste your 90 minutes on this crap. It was very cringe and made no sense at the same time. It needs a whole redo or not. The leads were off each time they kissed and had no chemistry whatsoever. The only thing good about this film was the music which they clearly used the budget on. The whole thing needs to be reworked for me to believe that the leads were in love when they were barely were in lust. I'd rather see RD and DW (IFYKYK) make a rom com instead that's how you know this movie was bad. It just didn't feel organic enough for me to enjoy it I didn't believe what I was seeing . This whole movie was a fail.
  • "The Perfect Find" is the latest film released by Netflix, bringing with it a captivating story that delves into the world of fashion. The plot follows the journey of a fashion editor who, after a period of absence, decides to return to work. However, she encounters an unexpected situation: she discovers that she kissed her boss's son at a party, and now they must navigate this unlikely connection while working together.

    The film presents a seemingly simple plot, but that does not mean it is of inferior quality. On the contrary, "The Perfect Find" manages to entertain the audience throughout its one and a half hours of runtime. Much of this entertainment can be attributed to the brilliant performances of the cast, who deliver emotion and laughter in various moments. Additionally, the well-selected soundtracks contribute to intensifying the emotions experienced by the characters and the audience. The relationship between the protagonists is skillfully written, allowing them to undergo a process of growth throughout the narrative. This aspect deserves recognition, especially in a romantic comedy genre film. It is worth noting that the movie is not just a comedy but rather a work that skillfully transitions between different moments and genres, thanks to Numa Perrier's competent direction. The director demonstrates her mastery of the cinematic language by bringing well-constructed settings, elaborate costumes, and visually pleasing cinematography to the screen.

    A notable aspect of "The Perfect Find" is the pace of the story, which is not rushed despite its short duration. The film develops the relationships between the characters in a natural and satisfying way, allowing the audience to emotionally connect with the narrative. It is an experience that flows harmoniously, leaving no loose ends or hurried progressions.

    Despite the praise bestowed thus far, it is important to highlight that the film also has its negative aspects. One of them relates to the dialogue, which, although not bad, does not stand out as memorable. The dialogues serve their purpose of conveying the necessary information but fail to leave a lasting impact on the viewer. This lack of memorable dialogue may eventually contribute to the film being less memorable over time.

    A possible theme that "The Perfect Find" seeks to address is the acceptance of relationships between people of different age groups. The film focuses on the relationship between a 40-year-old woman and a 22-year-old man, exploring the challenges and nuances of this unlikely connection. This theme, while subtly present, can provoke reflections on prejudices and social barriers existing in today's society.

    In conclusion, "The Perfect Find" is a film worth investing your time in. Although it may be considered forgettable, you will certainly be entertained and have fun throughout its duration. If you are looking for a light and enjoyable option to unwind, this film is a solid choice. So, if you find yourself with nothing to do, take the opportunity to watch "The Perfect Find"!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Where are the sweet romantic comedies gone? You know, the ones that make you feel warm and nostalgic. Or the ones that make you fantasize about yourself being the lead actress as you walk out of the theater. Then you snap back to reality an hour later.

    This movie had no charm. There was no chemistry between Keith Powers and Gabrielle Union. None, whatsoever. Just because the actors are attractive, it doesnt mean they have chemistry.

    I did not believe Jenna and Eric fell in love, it was said but not shown on screen.

    The movie did not flow. The editing was choppy.

    It was so below average, it just made no sense casting Gabrielle Union in it.


    Gabrielle Union's hair and wardrobe where terrible and made her look older. She needed a longer wig or braids. She worked in the fashion industry, where are the cute outfits?

    The meet cute moment at the beginning was awful. What was that? They spoke for 2 minutes and nothing was said that would make these two strangers just start kissing. There was no electricity between them.

    (The last thing I watched were the actors had a sweet meet cute moment and chemistry, was the 1st episode of TV show 'Queen Charlotte.')

    This movie needed some sweet banter, or maybe have these 2 characters bump into each other a couple times and build the chemistry.

    What was going on with Eric's friend and Lala Anthony's character. Was this some subtle lesbian attraction. Why?

    Why didn't Jenna have a proper date with that older man? Why did it turn into a get together/party with her friends and Eric and his friends? My gosh, be an adult and go out on a proper date.

    Why did 40 something year old Jenna go up to her bosses penthouse to meet Eric, knowing Eric is this woman's son. Her boss could come home at any time. It's like the screenwriter thought they were writing about a teenager or 21-year-old character. It was too predictable.

    Why could this not have been a sweet romance, seeing the actors wake up after a steamy night together. No we had to see the male lead going down on the female. Even worse, one scene was in his mothers apartment on the couch. Why?

    I loved Gina Torres (Darcy) in TV series 'Suits'. This writer and director missed the opportunity to make her character more like Meryl Streep in 'Devil Wears Prada'.


    Keith Powers acting has improved. Now Hollywood go and cast him in a cute well written rom com with someone his age.

    The movie had some nice songs in it.
  • zsanetto24 June 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    OMG I absolutely loved this movie. It's easy to watch, funny and it just flows. Being a hopeless romantic, I never wanted it to end. I think it's better than some of the major league movie stars' films like Your place or mine? (not to disrespect the starts in the movie). I loved every minute of it. Just what I needed. I don't get the 5.1 star reviews. Anyways , thanks guys for making this and please make more movies like this. The chemistry between Gábriel and Keith is crazy. I would have loved a bit more detail at the end, like the baby or a happy life together. I'm was truly happy to see a genuine romcom, not a forced, lame one.
  • jenny-2646013 July 2023
    I was excited to see a Gabriel Union movie as she brings so much charm and warmth to the characters she plays but I have no idea what I just watched.

    There was no chemistry between the leads, felt as friends at most. There was no flow in the movie, it felt like they were trying to check off boxes with requirements in how to put a movie together.

    The characters themselves were made into an exaggerated version of whatever personality they were supposed to be.

    I can safely assume that they did not do the book justice and I haven't even read it.

    Can't recommend this unless you feel like you have some time to waste.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This was a disappointing movie. The messy breakup; the immature man-child getting chastised by his mother was very unattractive. The things the mother said out of her mouth would have made the average women disrespect his mother for real! Jenna could have done so much better if she just picked up the pieces without him. For him to let his mother say the things she said to "the woman he loved" was unbelievable. The fact he never tried to find her and apologize for himself or his mother. I love rom-coms but this was by far a stretch and very uncomfortable. I would have been embarrassed by it all. I gave the movie two stars for the homage to old movies and music. I did love those references.
  • As soon as I saw the lead actress I knew she'll be playing her usual role. A high powered boss chick struggling with falling in love, blah blah. Beautiful people but so lack lustre. The guest appearance from a washed up rapper and dreadful acting from the YouTuber made it so cringeworthy. It was nice seeing the legendary Janet Hubert and that's it.

    I liked was the throwback music from the likes of Sweet Sable who was on the Above the Rim soundtrack and the few guest appearances from several celebrities and of course the comedian Godfrey.

    Other than that, I absolutely lost interest. It became boring.
  • Honestly I was expecting an entertaining film as I really like Gabriel Union... however, the film was so predictable and boring to watch. I'm actually annoyed at myself for wasting my time watching this. Good films are meant to leave you thinking about them after, chuckling to yourself thinking about a particular scene or wanting to recommend it to a friend. This did for me none of those things I kept waiting for things to pick up, but then the film was over. Most of the acting was terrible, cringeworthy and difficult to watch. The main characters had zero chemistry and felt awkward to watch. Props to the soundtrack and videography though.
  • The cinematography was decent but it main characters had zero chemistry. I don't think that either of them worked. It had poor editing which made it disjointed at times; it was very annoying like what was the plot again? I think it all came downhill from the scene how they first met. I was like what?

    I had to rewind several times and once it was over I said I'll start from the beginning and try to better understand why after watching the entire movie I felt weary and disappointed. I'm sure at all what to make of it; I listened to the audiobook long before. The audiobook had great narration but some parts were not believable like the movie. I didn't believe they were in love. I didn't believe that. She was heartbroken from the other relationship. I didn't even believe the male main character was the son of her boss. I found myself wondering what two people would pull off this film than those two.

    It wasn't romantic at all. I wish I could think of more good things to say. The entire movie just didn't come to life.
  • T-ZER030 August 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    I am amazingly shocked that this movie has a high rotten tomatoes rating. I've never read the book, but I was only interested in the film because my sister Gabrielle Union in it. I didn't think it would be this bad? By now you are saying: "You're being too harsh!"

    Well, let me ask this question. Ladies, have you ever met a guy at a club, made out with him for a few minutes and then said you loved them? NO! No woman who respects herself would fall in love with a man instantly just because he's a good kisser. If you do find a woman who is like that, please have her seek help. Because those type of feelings will put her in danger.

    Besides that, there is no chemistry between these two. This film makes "Marry Me" seem like the greatest love story ever. Throughout the movie these two are mostly seen in bed, and not partaking in activities that normal people who are interested in each other do. Like going to the movies, eating at a restaurant. Now you could argue that Jenna is afraid of her "boyfriends" mother Darcy. But that's more of the reason why she should have not told the kid that she loved him. In addition, there is a large age gap between the characters, so I don't see why Jenna would be interested in Eric.

    At the end of the movie, when Gabrielle's character said: "I'd call it, the Perfect Find." I nearly vomited because of how bad it was. I cannot recommend this movie to anyone, and it hurts me to see my sister Gabrielle Union in a bad movie. But I at least hope the original author is happy with the finished product.
  • If Rotten tomatoes gives the movie a 7.6 out of 10 score, why would you listen to some of the haters on here?

    They had amazing chemistry, there were a few funny and sarcastic humor with a little drama. It's a good movie.

    The fact this movie was directed by a person who is practically new to the field is amazing. The entire cast is beautiful and talented. This movie would turn into a great show.

    Please watch it and don't be swayed by the few haters who left reviews. Rotten tomatoes is a bunch of very critical professionals. Will you take a chance believing experts or a few haters who left reviews? The choice is yours. Enjoy the movie.
  • Ani_30 June 2023
    The UNPERFECT Find Movie ever. So corny, cringy, and cheese... like really? How was this in the top 10 Netflix? I am unhappy with Netflix that they keep showing such failures as top 10 movies... I feel like their top 10 is getting worse and worse!

    The main characters had zero chemistry. The plot is predictable and the movie made me cringe at leAst 20+ times. I can't believe money is spent on such movies these days. I can't stress enough that this isn't worth your time. It is beyond my comprehension how people gave ratings over 3 stars! And the ones who gave 2 or 3 were extremely generous... I must say.
  • What a great cast, especially the women.


    The dialogs are so shallow.

    The characters so one-dimensional.

    Poor direction and edit too.

    When it started I tried to understand if I have missed one or two scenes.

    I love Union, she is so beautiful and bright but here was like 60yo. I'm not sure why, poor make up probably.

    Gina Torres's character was a caricature and it's not her fault, because we know she can play this type of role. So it's the direction she has.

    But the worst thing of all is the lack of chemistry between the whole castband the very poor writing.

    It could have been a good rom com but actrually is a mess.
  • Cchharm30 August 2023
    Sounds and is like bits and pieces of every other movie title with the word "Perfect" & movies with rich old career women.

    Nothing original nor mind blowing. The shoot sessions were even more painful to watch. I waited for the magic in each scene but it was me waiting in vain. 🙂🙂

    I love the actors but they were the wrong bunch for the wrong production. Individually, I've seen them do really good in other movies but collectively here, it was like watching something with no effort.

    Overall it's nice to watch if you're watching for free, have nothing doing but not paying at the cinemas.

    And that last scene 🤦‍♀️
  • The whole movie the characters stress their age gaps in the cringiest ways and As young as Gabrielle looks for her age -they manage to to age her more via wardrobe hairstyle etc which made it even more cringey. As much as they tried to make it look like an innocent almost forbidden love story it ends up looking like Gabrielle's characters this master manipulator considering her history with her love interests her acting the way she did in the movie made it look predatory which I'm sure is not what they were going for? Gabrielle looked uncomfortable as an actress and honestly so did her love interest. It all just was so unnatural and I can see this definitely not being such a good movie especially for the times we are in where ppl are recognizing more and more the predatory dynamics of having such huge age gaps etc CRINGE CRINGE CRINGE all around.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I didn't even know this was from a book before seeing it. But I'm so glad I didn't read it because the storyline in itself is degrading to black women. The main character stays in a 10 year relationship with a man who wouldn't marry her just to come out of it and become a baby mama to an immature man half her age who happens to be her frenemie's son. Smh.

    As far as the movie, like most people have said, there was absolutely no chemistry, the movie was edited horribly and the supporting characters roles didn't make any sense. It was all over the place. I would not recommend this movie or watch it again.
  • Not sure why the hate is so real! I loved this film, it had a lot of depth of character that shined through the enormity of a NY back drop. It felt like a real love, with real characters. The fashion was masterful and inspiring, it really highlighted the beauty and authenticity of the mostly melanated cast.

    I can't say enough good things about it! The love story was pretty but raw at the same; no easy feat. I was rooting for them from the beginning! The "older woman - younger man" trope is so grim most of the time but the Perfect Find manages a fresh new take that's worth sitting through to encounter every twist and turn of the plot. We'll done! I'll definitely rewatch.
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