User Reviews (4)

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  • Four (4) great character actors/comedians with some refreshing writing material and voila' FOX has another new hit TV comedy series that will appeal to a broader audience then just people over the age of 60. In the pilot episode three male seniors reside and share a dinner table together after recently losing their beloved fourth friend to old age, so a tough talking and smart aleck lady plops down at their dinner table and wins the boys over to become their new fourth "cool kid" and their seniors living is now exciting once again.....and funny too.

    Now if the producers would only got rid of that irritating "Canned Laughter" I would add a notch to my IMDB rating 8 out of 10.

    It's a great new sitcom!!!!!
  • GunnersMate10 November 2018
    The Pilot episode of The Cool Kids is simply so much fun. There are a few uneven moments here and there, but that is to be unexpected from a pilot episode, where a number of characters, their relationships, and their backstories only have moments to catch the viewer's attention.

    This initial outing plays like the best sitcoms from the 70s and 80s, silly interactions and interesting characters with a feel good lesson-learned presented at the end to tie it all together. The sharp and funny cast (both the older/central cast and their younger supporting cast) rise above the formulaic framework even when the script is down right silly. While the characters are placed in the very modern framework, their ages and the subject matter are handled in a less politically correct or even aware manner (but in one that is reasonable to people who came from an earlier era) that is refreshing. The older characters are plenty spry and full of life and life's desires and the opportunity to explore their journeys in retirement should be a lot of fun.
  • barlowralph1 October 2018
    This show is such a crackup! It's crazy, snide, silly, occasionally serious, and just great campy fun! The four very different main characters are well-defined, and bounce off each other with comic genius. Martin Mull's somewhat confused character is especially clever. 10 stars. I hope it goes on for a long time.
  • bpeacock-237006 October 2018
    I LOVE the cast, especially V. Lawrence and the comedy is clean yet still very funny. PLEASE don't let this be a one series only deal. I can see myself binge watching this!