User Reviews (6)

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  • bentebundgaard2 November 2019
    I thought 1992 and 1992´3 in this continuing series were better (so far), but that does not mean that 1994 is bad. First and foremost the acting is - as in the earlier series - outstanding, and the performances are a pleasure to watch. The storyline is a bit less believable so far, though, but the instalments are stille captivating.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I was gripped by 1992 and 1993. I love the idea of mixing fictional characters with actual ones, and the following relationships of the principle characters in 1992-1994 (Leo, Veronica, Pietro) with each other and with the actual people.

    And so to the final part of the trilogy. If I could persuade my daughter to watch many hours of subtitled TV about politics, corruption and violence in Italy, the reaction to 1994 would be "meh".

    It has some strong parts, and the continuing arc of the first 7 episodes is of the first Berlusconi government (a coalition) and his struggle to maintain power during that year.

    Unfortunately, despite continued superb performances from the entire cast, the writing of the final two episodes was a great disappointment. In episode 7, the cliché of the love triangle was used, in an episode full of melodrama worthy of ITV (UK) television; low grade Sunday night entertainment.

    The final episode jumps forward no less than 17 years, returning all the surviving characters so that we may observe their fate (the fictional ones, that is. We can catch up with Berlusconi, Di Pietro, Dell'Utri on Wikipedia). Unfortunately, the story of the final episode is a far-fetched tale of power misused, and broken relationships all too worthy of a soap opera. Only one of the characters ends the show with a reputation intact (Di Pietro).

    Nevertheless, I hugely enjoyed the first 6 episodes. Incidentally, it looks and sounds fabulous, with a great soundtrack featuring music of the time.
  • I ve just read a review which gave 3/10 where the reviewer admitted to watching 1994 but not 92 or 93.they also complained about a britpop the second half of episode one i heard both REM and can you trust such a reviewer.brilliant seriesfollowing on from 92 and 93.
  • malcshrops29 September 2020
    Thoroughly enjoyed this Machiavellian drama. Well acted, fun, great settings. Why can't we do something like this in the UK. We're too scared. The producers deserve their success
  • Ladiloque31 October 2019
    And here it supposedly ends this interesting and original tv-series. Unfortunately it is and underwhelming conclusion (considering "1992" is imho one of the best series ever produced).

    This season feels like the triumph of period melodrama and cliches: tragic loves, 19th century plot twists, comic-like characters. No subtleties, most of the wit of the previous seasons gone, the complexities of politics, power and media treated like everything is a shallow joke among few kids. Few, because it clearly feels like they decided to cut further on the number of relevant characters (hidden behind various cameo appearances). As if that wasn't already one of the main concerns about the series. Some episodes seem to aim high in terms of structure or setting, yet the result isn't good enough: 2-3 deep moments (ex post) don't turn an overlong b-movie into Musil. All these problems, together with a plot going nowhere - indeed it goes elsewhere, create a mediocre experience.

    Maybe it was someone's creative genius plan to take the life away from this production, to mimic the end of a story, a past dying and never returning. To me it feels cheap. And certainly not worthy of my time. Pierobon's slow and depressing Berlusconi - despite some well written jokes and scenes - incarnates perfectly this production; needless to say he seems quite different from the man who charmed millions of people for 20 years.
  • I started on this season without knowing that actually this was the third season of it! The TV company had seemed to show it as being a single season but I don't seem to have lost out on much.

    Anyhow, what we have is supposedly is a peak behind the curtains of the Italian political sphere, and you know what, we don't actually learn anything new. In Europe, with all due respect to the Italians, the country has long had a reputation as a political joke with what is felt to have been more governments than years post-WW2. This film concentrates on a 'faction' look at Berlusconi's key year in charge with a goodbye episode years later at the end.

    Our lead is a young Berlusconi look alike, who is supposedly to be some kind of spin doctor extraordinaire. Yet I couldn't buy into it. I never found him charming, and I found his co-stars mostly all unlikable too. The whole story didn't show me political intrigue but just bad romantic relationships and childish grown-ups. There is more to politics than celebrities, and that very much includes the much parodied Italian political circuit.

    The show is beautifully filmed, although relies heavily on Britpop music for the soundtrack, which I'm not sure works too well (not for me here). Some very good writing at times with great lines, but as an arc it's poor. It's just a soap opera and you won't learn anything new on Italian life or politics, if anything it's another series that panders to the worst views.

    Really, pass up on this one. I don't think i'll go out my way to watch the other two seasons, but then again they're not long seasons. So I might.