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  • Whilst there are some great impressions (and a few terrible ones too) in this the laughs are hit and miss. The worst of the show is, as I stated in the review title, the pretence that this show is done off the cuff. There is a musical round which highlights this in particular where people are doing perfect duets with each other and a guy in the band who would have no idea what the comedian would be doing. There are also rounds where people are reading from prompt cards. If this was just people delivering their own jokes off the cuff it would likely give more laughs than it does in it's current format.

    This has a great deal of potential but in it's current state it is destined for just a single series before being axed.
  • I was really looking forward to this from the adverts but really struggled to watch more than 10 minutes. I persevered with my partner and also watched another episode just to see if the first one was bad but it was still awful! So obviously rehearsed and long audience applause after every one liner. Very boring, disapointing and not entertaining.
  • Much as I like Alexander Armstrong, Debra Stephenson and Rory Bremner, this show is an absolute crock and so contrived. I feel embarrassed for the participants when watching. Can't stand any more.
  • Having seen the adverts, I was really looking forward to this series! Unfortunately, it's (poorly) rehearsed and quite frankly cringeworthy. I don't think this will survive past the first season...
  • This show is so bad that I actually feel embarrassed for those who appear on it. It is totally cringeworthy that they all pretend to be surprised when asked to impersonate someone. It is obviously all rehearsed and so unfunny. Please don't make a second series.
  • In my opinion I can't tell her impersonations apart, they all sound the same and I don't find her funny at all to be honest