User Reviews (42)

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  • nezbitkn218 December 2019
    It's one of those that makes you grit your teeth because of the stuff people are getting away with. Hard to bear with it but sends out a message about workplace bullying all the same and the things people do. I've been victim of it in the past so opposing other comments, stuff like this does actually go on.
  • I managed to get through this unlike BBC 2's recent series "The Replacement" which, despite being bullied myself in the past, was too hard to get through but, this shorter series was difficult and cringing to get through but I felt for with a main character that was possible to resonate with and it saw me through to the end. One of my favourite films was Channel 4's Good And Bad At Games which had a similar theme but had a disappointing outcome for those looking for justice. I won't ruin the end of this for you but hope you will see the show through. It was good to see Ben Miller in a serious role but I am not sure the subject matter was the one in which for him to take an non-stereotypical part. I have to say it was brave of ITV to make a show like this and particularly to screen it at a time of year when advertisers want to show the world as being joyous and harmonious before Christmas. These issues need to be highlighted so others don't have to suffer so my hat goes off to then for that.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Oh dear! I'd been hoping that the third and final episode would explain more convincingly the reasons for the trio's behaviour towards Thomas, but the finale left me feeling let down.

    Several other commentators have noted the implausibility of Thomas being tricked into arriving an hour early at the restaurant and of his car being towed away late in the evening after just a few minutes of his parking it. (Had this been a further trick by his tormentors, it would have been more convincing.) And surely others in the office would have noticed the dozens of Post-Its on his desk and who had placed them there?

    Then, right at the end, a policewoman arrives at Isobel's door within a couple of hours of receiving Thomas's evidence of her racial abuse. In this day and age, that's a remarkable response time. (Oh, OK, everything had to be tidied up quickly because it was the last episode.)

    Top marks, though, to Ken Swosu for his acting, with his brief flickers of emotion: disbelief, hope, angst, suspicion, doubt, and to the little girl who played his deaf daughter.

    There's speculation there might be a second series, but I suspect that I'm not the only one here on IMDB to say "no thanks".
  • I cant say i enjoyed this first episode, but it was entertaining, i found his angst and bewilderment excruciating, and felt really sorry for him. I can see where the next episode is heading, and am sure many viewers can identify with this kind of behaviour in the workplace. Fair enough this is extreme for drama purposes but not -so far unbelievable.
  • I do love this show need more episodes. I loved the acting the drama the show makes you think out real life scenarios
  • Painful to watch but sadly not inaccurate. I was keen to get to the end of it not just because it wasn't nice to watch but also in the hope that the the perpetrators got their comeuppance.

    If you take nothing else from this, remember in the world of business you are only as good as your last deal.
  • grahamffc11 January 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    First episode - decent but poorly written with unrealistic set pieces. So many things going wrong was so not real

    Then to carry ok the nastiness for 2 more episodes and have half a pay off in the last 10 minutes. So much more could have been done with this.

    Thoroughly hard work to watch to be honest - shame because the main character - I found myself rooting for him still but wanted the fight back much much earlier with more pay offs than was shown.

    I guess the moral is take money and don't help other people who much get bullied in future.
  • aistingaling18 December 2019
    The first two episodes are incredibly gripping, really highlighting the subtleties of bullying and how it isn't a problem that is left behind with school. The acting is brilliant, you really, really hate the antagonists and feel so frustrated when Thomas keeps succumbing to their taunts. It actually makes me anxious to watch because you're so worried about what they're gonna do to him next, can't wait for the finale. Really hope Thomas comes out on top.
  • richard_struther29 December 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    Alot of this resonated with me having experienced work place bullying myself. It really hit home.

    From the colleagues little looks and comments to being helpful and nice but not really. Making mistakes and feeling beaten up about them and then a wife who isn't hugely sympathetic.

    It is cringing because it sails so close to the wind and one of the set pieces does go too far in my opinion. And how the sales director deals with it is very typical.

    I found the ending unsatisfying because the perpetrator in reality never comes clean and retribution rarely happens. Just a payoff and being cut loose.
  • This show is essentially about watching a man being psychologically tortured. I don't find any kind of torture entertaining or enjoyable to watch. If I had known that's what this show amounted to, I would have skipped it. As if that wasn't bad enough, the acting was not good. Watching it turned out to be a dreadful experience. I raised it from a 1 to 2 because of the ending. I recommend skipping this horrid series.
  • Narcissist0017 December 2019
    A shy introvert is bullied at his work by his colleagues when he tried to secure to a contract with a major company. He is a line manager with a great future ahead of him but not if his jelly co-workers have anything to do it. The first episode is great and we are left just waiting for him to snap which is what the next episode will be about for sure. Can't wait!!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I was uncomfortable throughout the 3 episodes. I felt bad for Thomas, but I wondered if he was imagining things.
  • The premise was promising but a weak script, lacklustre acting and improbable set pieces really let this down. With a bit more depth and subtlety this could have been a worthwhile and highly topical drama. Something of a missed opportunity.
  • The show is weird as Thomas character is stupid. No one this daft can hold a job.
  • Birminghamukengland1 January 2020
    I'm not a fan of ITV at all and almost gave this a miss.

    I thought it was very well written, extremely well acted and thought provoking.

    I'm a mental health crisis nurse and I see victims of this often, sadly.

    I cried at various points at the sheer lack of empathy or feeling for a fellow human being. I'm a male and not ashamed to say that.

    I class the bullies as having a psychopathic disorder or are just plain bad. There is no excuse however.

    Unfortunately many of these people with these traits make it to the top of business and government.

    As I say to my patients, NO job is worth that.

    If anyone is reading this who is enduring that type of situation, TALK to someone about it, not a friend or family member necessarily but a professional.

    With the lack of service provision many churches now have coffee shop drop ins and it's not about religion but sensible people who will listen and signpost.

    Due to all the cuts to services a GP counselling appointment is weeks in the waiting but at least get the ball rolling.

    Do not suffer alone.

    The CAB are very good, as are ACAS. This highlighted to me the absolute importance of being kind, for example when he went to the GP reception, we just never know how much stress any one is under at any given time.

    We'll done to all involved in this.
  • tony-2334917 December 2019
    Why would ITV commission this TV drama? Totally unbelievable and poor acting
  • Such a great story of a gentle guy in a cut throat world. He works hard and does his best being the leader of a small sales team. When a presentation goes bad he realises that his team has plotted against him to get him kicked out. Will he fight back and win that is the question. Great acting all around. Highly recommend.
  • boba-1980322 December 2019
    I could not believe how poor this show ended up being it started well better it was such a waste of time in the end.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Truly masterful, gaslighting even the audience into believing that the plot line was "bizarre" or no "no big deal" (and judging by reviews, it worked). The art of subtlety is a beautiful thing, unashamedly manipulated by a top-class cast.

    For anyone who's ever worked in modern middle-management, or nursed someone who has, this is art reflecting life artfully. A nuanced and intelligent condensing of a real life game into a three-part mini-series, with a satisfying ending that real life protagonists, having played and lost, would only wished they'd had.
  • gilb-706424 January 2020
    Utter garbage and shocking acting. The plot was so thin it was transparent.
  • Wow I went through love it and hate it and in the last 5 minutes it all came together. It's very ironical in parts and irritating and the characterizations are maddening but it does all come together. Watch it.
  • cmicer17 December 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    Obviously written by someone who's never worked in an office or in a team and never presented to a new client. Who walks straight into work and straight into an important meeting? Changing the time on someone's phone and tablet to hijack a meeting? Really? Completely unbelievable plot. Let's try and write about the real world!
  • We loved it great writing and acting, highlighting bullying in the workplace, take no notice of the negative reviews, its a great mini series with some plots and twists well worth a watch.
  • "Sticks and Stones" is a three-part British (ITV) so-called 'psychological drama' focused on the competitive world of middle management and workplace bullying. It's had an interesting premise but, soon after the start, the tone lurched so recklessly from melodrama to farce, left you feeling a bit dazed. Me personally, still have no idea if I was meant to be taking this TV mini-series seriously. Is it a comedy or a psychological drama? At the end, it was not doing either very well. A let down.

    Rating: 5+ (Average script, acting, and execution)
  • The main character basically has a persecution complex, warranted or not, with anger management problems. A number of the issues he faces are somewhat artificial, e.g.. not having a local copy of an important presentation on your laptop. He is easily manipulated to make himself look unstable (and perhaps he is).

    There are no sympathetic characters, except perhaps the daughter, though she does not play a major part. Everyone from Thomas, his controlling wife, to his scheming coworkers and CYA boss are flawed, and not anyone I'd like to know in person.

    It makes good viewing as you are held i suspense as a cascade of problems befall Thomas, and you don't know how it is going to end.
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