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  • Iain McGilchrist uses the latest findings of neuroscience combined with an impressive knowledge of human cultural history to analyze what has gone wrong with our world. More than just a brilliant analysis, The Divided Brain provides answers to what society must do to regain balance and return to sustainability. Iain McGilchrist also offers us a new way to understand the human experience, and be present in the world. This is an important film, indicating a new way forward for humanity.
  • What an interesting, and thought provoking film. To make the information so accessible is no small feat, and that it's a joy to watch is a bonus. Every interview is engaging, and Iain McGilchrist is brilliant, and also wonderfully relatable.
  • Fabulous exploration of how our brains are being influenced and changed. Highly recommended.
  • The Master and His Emissary by Ian McGilchrist is a ground breaking book and The Divided Brain documentary explains the book's main concepts very well. It is clear that if we want to fix our world we will need to understand our brains better.
  • If you think brainwashing is something from the past then you need to check out this documentary. How we are behaving is being highly influenced today and how our brains are being changed is dangerous. Very informative and illuminating!