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  • jpybspkb21 August 2023
    I enjoyed series. Though I do believe it was a bit confusing . I do not understand how the second season was so different from the first season. Both seasons were able to get across their point. The lessons were something to think over. The power of choice. I like that it showed the love of God but also the consequences of choice good or bad. I like that it helps you to think about choices you make. Also, how those choices effect those around you and the future. Makes you think the people in your life, they may have far greater purpose, then we can ever see even those who frustrate us. I would recommend this, but keep in mind not a Hollywood production or budget.
  • The Dream Motel is built on a streamlined model of the Canadian television series Twice In A Lifetime. That was the series Al Waxman played an angel judge and certain folks on the point of death are sent back in time to make a life altering decision.

    Here people check into this motel run by Jeff Armstrong playing Jesse Chris and when they pop off to sleep are sent back in time to also change their fate.

    A little more formal theology is with this one and a half hour doesn't allow for more character development.

    I don't think this one will make it off religious television.
  • datette11 February 2023
    This is the worst television I've seen, and that includes every training video forced on me by my employers. At least "Reefer Madness" made me laugh once or twice.

    Bad directing. Bad acting. Bad pacing. Bad dialogue. Bad writing all around.

    In the first 5 minutes of the pilot episode, they mangled several commonly used phrases, which is why their dialogue sounds stilted and forced. It's "well and good," not "good and well."

    They use fear to motivate the "guests" instead of guiding them towards empathy and compassion. If you don't get with the program, bad things will happen to you. It should be about good being done rather than how bad it would otherwise be, even though that bad has zero to do with a guest's actual issue.

    I won't give details of bad plot lines (I couldn't stomach watching long enough to get to the end of even one episode,) but if you're gullible enough to watch this because the premise had promise you'll see what I mean pretty quickly.

    Watch reruns of "Seventh Heaven" or "Touched by an Angel" if you need a religious programming fix. There's a reason those shows were renewed multiple times. This show needs to die a quick, merciful death.
  • If I could stay at the Dream Motel in real life, and Jeff Armstrong could will this show out of existence, I would do it without hesitation.

    I'm not sure if I can explain just how bad this show is- how messed up it's morality is, and how absolutely hog wild it is.

    "Oh you want to have an abortion? Oh haha well jokes on you you're going to die before you're thirty! Still want don't want that kid?"

    "Oh taking care of your disabled brother is stressful, and sometimes you feel very normal human emotions about wishing he wasn't such a burden on your life? *poof* haha well now you're an alcoholic ex convict! So really we didn't get you to appreciate your brother at all, and instead only tricked you into accepting him by showing you what a mess your life would be otherwise! Emotional growth? Psh, whose got time for that."

    I'd recommend this show to anyone who either loves horrible shows and movies, or anyone ignorant enough to download anything from Pureflix.
  • bwdude18 February 2023
    IMDB says, this is from 2019?

    Maybe it's found footage or something, everything looks and feels like a rejected Hallmark-show from the early 90s. Wardrobe, hairstyle, cameramovement, everything.

    The dialogue at the beginning of e01 sounds like satire, but I fear they are serious. As corny as it comes between two men with no acting ability at all.

    If it even had a director, I have no idea what he did, definitely not direct, this much is certain.

    I could not make myself watch another minute, fearing for my braincells may commit suicide.

    If that wasn't enough, there are loud cicada noises throughout, without any pause.
  • I opened an account on IMDB just to review this series. GREAT premise. Terrible acting!! I made it halfway through Brother's Keeper and I'm quitting in disgust. First of all, the lead actress in this episode is the first to learn her lines and eliminate the awkward Pinter pauses and strange inflections that make everyone sound like they're lying through their teeth. Bravo!! Her character has an obvious case of caregiver burnout and this so called messenger of God doesn't even counsel her or offer her some relief. Showing none of the mercy the Savior would, he contemptuously shames her out the door into a post jail life. I want to say exactly how I feel about what the "film makers" have done here but then I wouldn't be sharing the love of Christ and I would be doing exactly what they did with this series. I will say I think it was poorly executed and not at all indicative of the message we as Christians should be portraying. Please get your actors on a stage so they can improve their timing. It's beyond frustrating to me how many Christian films I've turned off because Directors are using either immature or lazy actors who have little to no connection with their fellow scene partners and who couldn't convince me to buy water in the Sahara. I switched from Netflix to Pureflix so I could invite the Spirit into my home more. If the quality of Christian film making doesn't improve, I won't renew next year. I also will not be finishing this series. Brother's Keeper needed help and love not guilt and shaming. I'm trying very hard not to wish it on the writers and director who should know better.
  • gandlbush3 May 2020
    I loved watching this series. Very well done. Intetrsting episodes.
  • While this series isn't theologically heavy, I find it enjoyable nonetheless.
  • markleygayle10 March 2024
    Warning: Spoilers
    I am hoping it's not a spoiler to say it had intrigue and mystery, like someone mentioned before- a combo or cross between "Highway to Heaven" or "Touched by Angel" and Quantum Leap. I rewatch it all the time because I just love the whole concept. It's a great idea. I realize not many people were as fond of this show as myself, and I do understand. For me, there was something about second chances, and being past, present and future at the same time, with free will and, well, another option is there- choose or don't and Jeff Armstrong was terrific, I thought. As were others- I thought. It was thought provoking. It's got life lessons and principles and great lead actors. Love the hotel, love the book, there was just something neat about it for me. I am trying not to use spoilers but it makes you feel a part of it. I love this location, and i hope there can be a third season. Please let there be another season, at the same location. I didn't think i'd hsve to leave this long of a review. I really did for some reason fall in love with this little gem of a show.