- Shawn and Gus return to Santa Barbara, California to help their old police chief, but find themselves unwelcome in their old stomping ground as they secretly untangle a case that involves the supernatural.
- Shawn and Gus return to the Chief's side in Santa Barbara and are forced to navigate the personal, the professional, and possibly the supernatural. Separated from their new lives in San Francisco, our heroes find themselves unwelcome in their old stomping grounds as they secretly untangle a twisted case without the benefit of the police, their loved ones, or the quality sourdough bakeries of the Bay Area. What they uncover will change the course of their relationships forever.
- The movie opens with a teen-aged Lassiter hiking in the woods with his father. Lassiter asks his father if he will be able to grow a beard like his father's when he is older. His father says yes and talks about it being a Lassiter family tradition. Young Lassiter reaches to open his water bottle only to look up and see his father is gone. He repeatedly calls out for him with no answer.
The scene segues to the outside of a warehouse where Lassiter can be heard on the police radio. He is radioing for help saying he was ambushed and shot multiple times. You then see a silhouetted figure walking through the warehouse up to a wounded Lassiter sitting up against something with multiple gun shot wounds. The figure points a gun at Lassiter and Lassiter says, "Please, I have a family." The figure pulls the trigger, but the gun of out of ammo. As the figure pulls a second gun, an apparent hallucination of Lassiter's father appears and speaks to Lassiter trying to get him to remember why he is at the warehouse. The figure shoots Lassiter with the second gun and walks away.
There are flashes of Lassiter in the ambulance while the police radio reports an officer down and the suspect is at large. Next, Lassiter wakes up in a recovery house scared by Shawn and Gus standing over him screaming "Surprise!" Shawn and Gus point to a large poorly and barely wrapped box. Then a dog starts to pop his head out of the box. It is Morrissey, the rescue dog Shawn liberated from the villains in the previous Psych movie. Lassiter recognizes the dog as belonging to Chief Vick. Shawn and Gus explain the Chief returned the dog to them because he kept biting her daughter. Lassiter's nurse, Dolores, enters the room and informs them pets are not permitted at the Herschel House, a luxury recovery house for stroke survivors. Shawn claims the dog is a therapy dog, but the nurse easily calls him on the lie. After Shawn introduces himself and then Gus by an unwanted nickname, they agree that Shawn will try multiple nicknames until Gus approves of one. Dolores asks them to walk and talk with her. Dolores, clearly smitten by Gus, agrees to let the dog stay, but wants to know the real reason for Shawn and Gus' visit. They tell her about Lassiter calling them after seeing things and how they have even had to lie to their significant others because Lassiter swore them to secrecy. Dolores explains that Lassiter is on various medications and suffered a massive stroke during surgery (written in to explain the physical signs of actor Timothy Omundson's stroke suffered in real life) which may cause him to have fantasies. She warns against Shawn and Gus enabling Lassiter by feeding into the fantasies.
Shawn and Gus return to Lassiter's room to tell him they cannot help him, and that the things he is seeing are not real and probably caused by his medications. Then Morrissey, who jumped out the window after Shawn and Gus previously left the room with Dolores, walks through the door with a severed human hand in his mouth. The hand convinces Shawn and Gus to look into Lassiter's claims.
Shawn and Gus mails the hand to Woody, a coroner, to examine. They then return to their old office. They enter the office to find it turned into a Cat Restaurant. They tell the female owner they want to retrieve things they hid in the walls of the office. She directs them to the landlord in the back. The landlord turns out to be Henry, Shawn's father. Henry informs them that after Shawn neglected to inform the landlord after he left and moved to San Francisco in the series finale, Henry took over the payments and started subletting the space to various businesses over the years. Shawn convinces Henry to help them for Lassiter's sake.
Lassiter awakes to a smiling Juliet. Lassiter is surprised to see her since it is not Monday, the day she regularly visits. Juliet came down to tell Lassiter the man who shot him has been arrested and confessed to the crime. She shows Lassiter his picture. Lassiter makes a weird face looking at the picture causing Juliet to ask if the man in the picture is not the person who shot him. Lassiter says he doesn't remember who shot him. Juliet admits she came down to ask Lassiter about it because the man's confession doesn't mention the second gun from Lassiter's account of the shooting. Lassiter wants Juliet to stop worrying about the case as she has already gotten into trouble for investigating the case since it isn't her case. Lassiter hands her a list of errands with which she can help.
Shawn and Gus are walking on the grounds of the Herschel House with Morrissey. Shawn has the dog smell something from the hand to see if the dog will lead them to the rest of the body. Once Shawn removes the leash though, Morrissey runs away. As Juliet says goodbye to Lassiter, she notices Morrissey's food bowl in his room alerting her to Shawn's presence in Santa Barbara. She calls Shawn and he admits he came down to help Lassiter, but he will be ready for a special dinner both of them have planned later.
Juliet returns to the scene of Lassiter's shooting to search for a missing bullet fired from the second gun. While using a laser to track the trajectory of the shots, she startles a homeless woman. She notices the woman has a gun shot wound in her leg and realizes it is the missing bullet.
Shawn and Gus beat Juliet home and frantically try to prepare for the special dinner with Gus spreading rose petals on the floor while Shawn prepares a dinner comprised of popcorn, pretzels, and jelly beans. During dinner, Juliet and Shawn both try to convince the other to not work on Lassiter's case, and Shawn takes Lassiter's list of errands from Juliet to do them for her. After dinner, they hear Gus' phone ringing, and Shawn finds a hiding Gus. The call is a FaceTime call from Woody telling them he examined the hand and found a fingerprint that identified it as belonging to a CEO, Devon Tileback, who committed suicide a week prior by jumping off a bridge, but the body had not been found.
Back at the Herschel House, Lassiter wakes up to Morrissey laying on top of him. Morrissey alerts him to a noise outside. Lassiter wheels himself to the window and sees a bloody and wounded person limping into the stables. Lassiter sees the hallucination of his father right after seeing it. The next day, Lassiter recounts what he witnessed to Shawn and Gus. They have doubts about what Lassiter claimed to see but agree to check out the stables.
Juliet is in her office looking into the confession of Lassiter's alleged shooter when she is surprised by Gus' girlfriend, Selene. Selene hasn't heard from Gus and is worried that something is going on or that there is someone else. Juliet assures her she has nothing to worry about as Shawn and Gus have been in Santa Barbara investigating a case, but inadvertently mentions the nurse appearing to be attracted to Gus which worries Selene.
Shawn and Gus check out the stables and find a freezer with flavored ice chips they start eating. They are discovered by Dr. Herschel who ostracizes them for eating the patients' ice chips and being in a restricted area off limit to visitors such as them. They ask Dr. Herschel if he is aware of anything that may corroborate the account told to them by Lassiter. When Dr. Herschel asks them why they are asking such questions, Shawn and Gus seem to unintentionally confess to Dr. Herschel what Lassiter claimed to see and about body parts being found on the grounds around the hospital. Dr. Herschel informs them he is aware that Lassiter has claimed to see various things, and that a specialist, Dr. Catalon, is being brought in from Cuba to help treat Lassiter. Dr. Herschel also reiterates what Dolores said earlier about Lassiter seeing things being normal after his trauma and with the medications he is currently taking. He also warns Shawn and Gus that it is only dangerous if they continue to fuel Lassiter's fantasies by taking them seriously.
Back at the San Francisco PD, Chief Vick talks to Juliet about the bullet she brought in to forensics and how she knows it has to do with Lassiter's shooting, a case that Juliet is not supposed to be working on. It is mentioned that Chief Vick has an interview later that day to be the new Police Commissioner. Juliet leaves to go to Santa Barbara to speak with the suspect who confessed to the shooting, but is surprised by Selene who tags along to check up on Gus and the nurse.
Shawn and Gus are back at the Cat Restaurant using it as a work space. Shawn looks over all the information they have taped on the wall looking for a connection. He notices multiple charges made by the owner of the severed hand, Tileback, at an Ice Bar that seem suspicious due to the bar's far off location.
Juliet meets with the man who confessed to shooting Lassiter, Kessler. She reveals she knows he is not the real shooter and that someone must be coercing him to confess. He says he basically has no choice and will not be safe if he doesn't cooperate. Selene, who is also there, overreacts and tells off Kessler after Juliet mentions he has a child he should think about causing Kessler to leave the meeting.
Shawn and Gus go to the Ice Bar. When they ask the bartender about Tileback, she warns them to not talk about Tileback since he owed a lot of money. The owner of the bar, Ova, arrives at the bar greeting the guys and buying them a drink. Shawn asks Ova about a suspicious looking man at the bar who Ova identifies as his son, Per. Gus goes to the bathroom. Gus and Per are using urinals next to each other when Gus' phone starts to ring. He has trouble answering it due to downloading an app that put multiple viruses on his phone. This is also why Gus has not been able to answer Selene's calls. While trying to answer it, he accidentally takes a picture of Per's penis twice. He apologizes and tries to immediately delete the pictures, but his messed up phone accidentally tweets the pictures instead which is then re-tweeted by many of Gus' followers. Per pulls a knife causing Gus to grab Shawn and run away. They climb on a motorcycle and crash through a shed while trying to ride away. Per and his goons ride by the shed not realizing they crashed. While on the ground after the crash, a man pulls a gun on Shawn and Gus. Once they see the man is missing a hand, they realize it is Devon Tileback, the CEO who supposedly committed suicide a week prior. While telling them to stop looking into it, Tileback is shot and killed by an unseen person.
The police start processing the crime scene of Tileback's murder. McNab, who is now a detective, arrives on the scene. Shawn and Gus quickly fill McNab in on Tileback's fake suicide to hide from people who are probably responsible for his now murder. Shawn and Gus hide as Juliet arrives at the scene as they are not supposed to be working the case. McNab impresses Juliet by knowing so much about the murder so quickly, secretly thanks to Shawn and Gus. Juliet gives McNab the ballistics report of the recently discovered bullet from Lassiter's shooting proving there was a second gun used which means the man who confessed is lying.
During this, Shawn and Gus are hiding behind Juliet's car. Selene approaches Juliet and McNab. After Juliet introduces Selene as Gus' girlfriend, McNab mentions she must be the nurse mentioned to him by Shawn which infuriates Selene causing her to return to the car. Shawn and Gus climb through the car to avoid being seen, during which, Shawn finds a positive pregnancy test on the floor of the car shocking him to discover Juliet is pregnant.
Shawn and Gus return to the Cat Restaurant. While Shawn is flipping out about becoming a father, he receives a text from Lassiter claiming to have seen Wilkerson, a comatose patient at the recovery house, running down the hallway. They go into the back to ask Henry for advice regarding Lassiter's most recent claim. While talking to Henry, Shawn is still flustered by impending fatherhood and gets into an argument with his father. This results in Henry, who is unaware of the recent revelation, making a hurtful comment about how Shawn will be a failure as a father. They calm down and Henry advises them that Lassiter's mind still seems to be sharp so maybe they should believe him and look into his claims.
Back at the Herschel House, Shawn and Gus approach Wilkerson who is sitting comatose in a wheelchair. They poke, prod, and even tickle Wilkerson to try and get him to move proving he faking his condition. Their fruitless efforts are interrupted by Dr. Herschel, who becomes angry at their implication of Wilkerson faking his condition and kicks them out of the hospital. Shawn and Gus return to the Cat Restaurant. Shawn tells Gus that he grabbed the security pass of Dr. Catalon on his way out of the hospital and intends to pretend to be Dr. Catalon by wearing a mustache as a disguise after contacting the real Dr. Catalon to cancel his trip. After Gus points out the disguise won't work, they alter the plan and have Woody come down to be the impersonator of Dr. Catalon. Woody arrives at the hospital to start investigating on the inside since Shawn and Gus' visitation privileges have likely been revoked.
Chief Vick is handed a file marked urgent as she enters her interview for Police Commissioner. She can't help but peak at the file which is an updated ballistics report on the bullet recently found by Juliet including the gun from which it was fired. This distracts Chief Vick causing her to stand up and excuse herself from the interview acknowledging that doing so will remove her from consideration for the position.
Shawn and Gus meet up with Woody secretly in the stables. Woody took all of Lassiter's pills as instructed by them. However, when they ask Woody for the pills, he indicates he physically swallowed the pills thinking that was what they meant by "take" the pills. He coughs up one he has stuck in his throat. As Shawn is picking it up, under the dumpster, he finds a bag full of bloody bandages and stitches that smells like peroxide. This discovery makes them realize that Lassiter seeing a bloody and wounded figure entering the stables was real.
Shawn and Gus tell Dolores of this discovery and their suspicions. Although she can't imagine Dr. Herschel being a bad guy, she sneaks them into Lassiter's room so they can guard him. Once inside, Shawn sends Gus to get more flavored ice chips and snacks. While Gus is sneaking around, he is confronted by Henry, who came to talk with Shawn, but first wants to know why Shawn was acting more sensitive than usual earlier during their argument. Gus tells Henry about the revelation of Juliet's pregnancy.
Henry enters Lassiter's room and talks with Shawn apologizing for the hurtful comment he made earlier. Henry proceeds to give Shawn a fatherhood pep talk without reveling to Shawn he is now aware of the pregnancy. After the two reconcile, Henry offers to help so Shaw gives him Lassiter's errand list he got from Juliet. Henry complains how small the writing is so Shawn shows him how to use the camera on his phone as a magnifying glass. While doing so, Shawn notices an indentation on the paper from a previous written note that says "silent partner- victim?" as well as the date that Lassiter was shot. Shawn realizes the note must have had something to do with why Lassiter was at the warehouse when he was shot. Henry leaves to get the note further analyzed to see if any more information can be ascertained while Gus returns with the ice chips and snacks.
After falling asleep, Shawn awakens to the sound of a baby. Shawn leaves the room and walks down the hallway where he hallucinates a baby sized Mary Lightly, a previous character killed in an earlier episode of the show. Shawn and baby Mary sing a song while Gus comes out of the room also seeing the hallucination of baby Mary. Shawn and Gus then see Wilkerson walking by and start chasing him. They catch up to him and Gus wrestles him to the ground. Shawn and Gus still seem to be somewhat tripping but realize that Wilkerson is real and clearly is faking being comatose.
While talking to Wilkerson, Shawn realizes the ice chips they have been eating must have a psychotropic drug in them making someone who eats them want to confess things. This is why Shawn and Gus couldn't help confessing things to Dr. Herschel in the stables previously. Wilkerson explains he has been faking to stay safe after his best friend and partner Devon Tileback was murdered. He says the psychotropic ice chips must have caused him to confess that Tileback and him were cooking the books of their company as it was about to go public. After revealing this, someone started extorting Tileback. Tileback tried to secretly meet up with Lassiter, but ran away once Lassiter was shot leading to his faked suicide and eventual murder. After leaving Wilkerson, Shawn and Gus run into Woody who has found another bag of bloody bandages. Inside the bag was also a pair of ear muffs Shawn and Gus recognize as being from the Ice Bar. They take the bloody ear muffs along with Morrissey to the Ice Bar. Shawn tries to have Morrissey sniff the ear muff to lead them to who wore it, but Morrissey eats the ear muff and jumps through a window into the building.
After Shawn and Gus climb through the same window, Juliet turns on a lamp alerting them to her presence and asks them why they are there. They explain the ear muff evidence leading them to the Ice Bar. Then Chief Vick turns on a different lamp alerting them to her presence. Juliet and Chief Vick explain how the bullet found was traced to a gun registered to the bar's owner Ova. While Shawn and Gus believed Ova to be a nice retiree, Juliet explains Ova was actually a criminal who ran a major crime syndicate in Norway until he almost died. Shawn realizes that Ova had a stroke and must have been treated at the Herschel House which is the connection to everything.
Morrissey then starts barking at the freezer, which when opened, is found to contain Ova's frozen dead body. Morrissey then jumps out the window, and a noise leads Shawn, Gus, Juliet, and Chief Vick with guns drawn to the bar's main room. Per, Ova's son, then enters the room holding two guns leading to a standoff. Shawn starts to explain a wrap-up of what happened. How after Ova had his stroke, he no longer wanted to be a criminal and that Per didn't want to give up the criminal life. Shawn guesses that Ova's secrets came out while he was at the Herschel House resulting in someone trying to blackmail Per with the information. Per says that someone tried, but Per instead became a partner with the blackmailer. Per said he shot Lassiter because he was getting too close, but once Lassiter survived, Per made sure he was treated at the Herschel House so he could find out if Lassiter remembered anything to identify Per as the shooter.
Then Selene arrives and walks into the bar further complicating the standoff. She tells Gus she went to the hospital and saw the nurse everyone has been talking about. Per gets annoyed and indicates he is going to start by shooting Juliet. Shawn moves in front of Juliet telling Per he will not let him shoot his wife, who is pregnant. Juliet is confused, and tells Shawn she is not pregnant. Shawn tells her he knows and that he saw the pregnancy test even though he is not ready to be a father. Selene interrupts revealing to everyone that the pregnancy test was hers, not Juliet's. She says she has been trying to get in touch with Gus for two days now. Gus faints now realizing he is the one going to be a father. Selene being right next to Per, turns and hits him in the face. This allows Juliet and Chief Vick to disarm and arrest him.
Back at the Herschel House, Dolores is giving Lassiter his nighttime medication. Lassiter says he doesn't recognize the medication. Dolores tells him it is different medication that is going to kill him, and that if he doesn't take the medication, she will simply inject his IV with a syringe full of something that will kill him anyway. Lassiter throws the pills away saying he doesn't know how she could be involved in what has been going on. In a major plot twist, Dolores reveals that she is the villain at the Herschel House that has been using secrets revealed under psychotropic drugs to blackmail wealthy patients while Dr. Herschel knows nothing about it and is completely innocent.
The substance injected into his IV starts to affect Lassiter who has another hallucination of his father talking to him. His father encourages him to fight it and not give up yet. Lassiter is doubtful of his ability to recover and how useful he could be if he doesn't fully recover. During their conversation, you find out that Lassiter's father died due to a blood clot during a routine bypass surgery while Lassiter was young. Lassiter's father convinces him to fight, after which Lassiter pulls a gun and shoots his IV bag. Dolores doesn't understand how Lassiter got a gun. His father indicates the gun is actually one of three Lassiter has hidden in the room. Lassiter then starts to read Dolores her rights arresting her.
Back at the Ice Bar, Shawn and Gus are already coming up with names and nicknames for Gus' forthcoming child. Selene interrupts them to talk to Gus. She proposes to Gus who accepts and immediately proposes right back to her. Juliet and Shawn admit they are both happy they are not the ones expecting a baby. Then Selene reveals they will have to iron out one tiny detail, the fact that she is still married.
Back at the Herschel House, Shawn and Gus are walking with Woody, who tells them he has decided to stay at the hospital under his assumed identity of Dr. Catalon. Dr. Herschel interrupts them to clear up something. Apparently someone else has arrived at the hospital claiming to be Dr. Catalon. Woody then runs away and Dr. Herschel tells Shawn and Gus to leave.
Henry and Juliet are helping Lassiter pack up to leave while complimenting him on his recent arrest. Lassiter expresses his gratitude to both of them as well as his apprehension at seeing his wife, Marlowe, who he hadn't seen due to not wanting her to see him in his condition. Juliet pushes Lassiter in his wheelchair out of his room and Marlowe appears at the end of the hallway. She starts to approach Lassiter who tells her to stop. She worries she has done something wrong, but then Lassiter puts his feet down and stands up. He walks over to her and kisses her saying he wanted to look his wife in the eye while telling her let's go home. This is the first time Lassiter is seen on his feet or walking during the entire movie. While hugging Marlowe, Lassiter sees his father one last time and says, "Bye Pop."
Before the credits start, Woody is seen running away from the hospital being chased by security.
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By what name was Psych 2: Lassie Come Home (2020) officially released in Canada in English?