User Reviews (21)

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  • The storyline is really unique and engaging. Love the ending! I also like the contrast it holds and combining beautiful 3D animation with badass comic style 2D scenes. It is just sooo cooool!!!

    P. S.: not recommended for very young kids!
  • williambechler25 February 2022
    It is a very coool animation, very create and engaging. I had to watch it twice. The animation style switches from 3D to 2D, you can tell all of the effort the creators have put into this movie. Buy yourself a Roborovski nft so that you can watch this movie! :)
  • mr-ice-t26 February 2022
    Super nice story and the animations are really cute! If you like short movies and animations, you will love Roborovski! The artwork is fine and the storyline well elaborated.
  • The story of Roborovski needs to be told in a full-length feature film, it's that good. Imagine Kill Bill meets Stuart Little. It is absolutely fantastic.
  • The perfect combination of the loving and heart warming pixar animations we know and value and the aggressive action combat graphics.

    Together they form a very unique mixture of both cuteness but also savageness so definitely not recommended for kids as it might seem at first glance.

    Seeing this level of quality not only in the animations but also in the story, characters and especially the choice of music, I can easily give this a deserved 9/10 on all scales.

    This needs a Netflix or Amazon Prime adaption ASAP to get us a whole series on our hands.

    Hope this provided some insights.
  • Truly stunning and well made. Team behind it is awesome, community aswell :) Cant wait for what the future of our little Roborovski holds.

    The animation style switches from 3D to 2D, you can tell all of the effort the creators have put into this movie. Buy yourself a Roborovski nft so that you can watch this movie! :)
  • Simply put i love it . So unique , fun and awsome at the same time .I have been honored to watch this short film and i can tell you guys are in for a treat. How to describe this short film without spoiling it ? I can say one thing for sure , there is no messing around with this Roborovski hamster :)
  • Well made short film. Highly recommended, would be nice to see it at netflix or other streaming plataform. Not for kids. Ear the director is working in a series which i can wait to see it.
  • Loved the animation! Made me think of Stuart Little meets Kill Bill in animated form! The fact that this is part of a larger project which is also linked to web3 is extra compelling. I am looking forward to seeing more.
  • This is such a cute but at the same time a dark animation where it is super fast paced.

    I watched it over and over and still found new details. Just awesome.
  • This is a really amazing animated lil short movie :) The little hamster is so cute but it takes time for it to have enough and than he isn't just cute anymore haha. Really waiting to see from it!
  • This short film had me laughing and impressed the entire time! I enjoyed the storyline more than I anticipated. Voice acting was spot on and felt like a true to form good old "Pixar" type style film. Good feels mixed with intense badass fighting from the feisty "little hamster". I cannot wait to see more with this film crew and what they can deliver in their next film using Roborovski. Totally adored it. Only critique would be in the graphical department as the graphics could be enhanced a tad more.
  • Fantastic film. Waiting to see how the story evolves:). Nice to see how much effort the team put into it. Really hope it goes far beyond NFT comunity, because they have what to say:)
  • This short film is so excite, I hope it can win this prize, the hisstory is unique and excell, be say that proposal about a hamster cute and cuttly, become hero fend off others hamster at the store.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The 14 minutes short film is definitely above my expectations. If Roborovski would have Tv-Series, I would definitely watch it in one blow! The musics and the action sees are perfectly designed and the perfect harmony between them pumps me up! A well thought script takes the short film one step further!
  • Definitely not a kids-friendly show. Expect the unexpected here. Interesting mix of comic style and 3D style narrative.

    Can't wait to see a continuation!
  • And it good for children Netflix u hear me ?

    I think all cartoons should suitable for children and family movie cause it increase brain activity of children.
  • rybbnnr27 March 2022
    Amazing art, really funny and interesting story about a cute hamster.

    It has a lot of action and in my opinion it is a MUST watch short film!!!

  • robjthomas19 March 2022
    This was hilarious! I'm a big fan of the blended animation and how this can flip from kind of kidy to kind of adult. I can't wait to see what's next for little Roborovski!
  • It's short. It's epic.

    Sometimes the best stories are directed by a rat.

    That's exactly the case here. The movie is funny and I really like how it's been done.

    I wish it would be a TV show.

    The short Roborovski movie was fantastic When can we get a long movie or even a tv series?

    I've watched it like 20 times so far and I find myself wanting to know more. What happens next, where Roborovski travels too next who does Roborovski encounter.