
IMDb member since September 1999
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    24 years



Where's the wrap-up
I agree with most of the comments. This movie is great, although a bit heavy on the morality (please Mr Anderson let us make up our own minds about what's right and what's wrong).

But what's with 'the Worm' and the body in the closet? Did I miss some obvious clues?

Goodbye Lover

Rent it if you can't find anything else you really wanna see.
This movie has some interesting developments , however, Patricia Arquette's character gets annoying pretty fast and isn't very convincing as a femme fatale. Just suspend all disbelief when viewing this movie and go with the characters. Even if what they do makes hardly any sense at all. Sandra and Jake have every reason to be worried the police don't believe their story because no sane person would be convinced by them, and yet they plot another murder...

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