
IMDb member since November 2000
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    23 years


Baby Geniuses

Razzie Awards here we come!
This will definitely be at the Razzies. I just know it. Watching wall paper peel for 20 years is way more entertaining then this.

Zeruda no densetsu: Toki no okarina

This is probably the greatest game of all time! I give this a 20 out of 10!!

The Leech Woman

This is a joke right?
Was this a film or was this just a big joke? I think the producers looked like there were pulling a big prank.


Very Cheesy Hard To Belive this was a book
This is one of the cheesiest films I've ever seen. I stayed up for the entire film just to see how it would end, and it never did! I would like to know how this could have been a story. This seemed more like a 70s film. I give it a -10.

The Twilight Zone

This is one of the most clever series I have ever seen. They should have made more episodes. Most of the episodes were great and innovative.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Best of the series
This is the best Indy film. I think that this is a very very good movie. I give this 5 out of 5.

Star Wars

One of the best films
This film is very great. It's one of the few films I would give a ten. There isn't anything like it.

The Hyrule fantasy: Zeruda no densetsu

Classic still to this day
Even though this game is more then 10 years old, it still is a classic. I never played it till 96 and I thought it was bad a first. But now I think this game can go into video-game hall of fame.

Raiders of the Lost Ark

This is one of the greatest films I've ever have seen. I think that this should have gotten best picture.

Super Mario Bros.

This is a pitiful excuse for a film! The only thing that actually even looks like Mario is the bomb-omb. This should have been animated instead, then it might be good.


This film was disturbing. This is not the way a good ghost should act! (even if there were no ghost). Well the best part is the song.

A Christmas Story

You'll shoot your eye out!
This is a very good Christmas film. In tv guide this was number 2 on the Christmas list, if you ask me it should be one!

Star Trek: The Next Generation

The Best
This is the best Trek show, and why? Because I do like the other 3 but original-too goofy. Ds9-way too boring sometimes. Voyager--ok but not like this. This is just the best trek show.


The game is better than this!
I played the game goldeneye about 5,000 times, and it's way better than this. I think when a game is better than the movie it's based on something is wrong. The movie-6/10 game-10/10.

Three Amigos!

This is a goofy film! I loved it! I think if you like films that spoof you'll love this!

A Bug's Life

This is a clever film. I think this is a funny film. It's way better then Toy Story, even though I did like Toy Story.

Ernest Goes to Jail

The Best Ernest film
This is a good film. This is very funny. Yet after this film there were no good Ernest films!


Even though I'm only 16 I think this is one of the greatest films of all time. I think this is a very good film.

Talk with Me! Barbie

this is awful
Barbie is terrible, so why would anyone want to play a game that's even worse? I don't know!

Conspiracy Theory

Suspenseful yet cool
this film is very intence and suspenseful. But I think this was very good. This is just a great movie.

Jurassic Park

Possibly the greatest film of all time
This is a good movie. This has good special effects. To put it simple this is probably the best movie ever.


very strange
this is a very strange game. it is just strange. this is one dark game also.

Men in Black

A cool movie
This is one of the coolest movies I've seen! I love this film. This is also one of the most clever films I have seen, this is great.

Air Force One

The BEST of '97
This was the best film of '97! I think this should of been number 1 last year. I thought that it was going to win all the awards, but then Titantic came out oh well.

Star Trek

This is possibly one of the best games I've evered played. This is really cool. I love it!

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