
IMDb member since August 2000
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    23 years



Some illuminated scientist awakens an Egyptian entity. The scientist becomes the evil guru of a sect of killer fanatics who's goal is to eliminate the most powerful men in the world.

Robert Ginty is a reporter. He finds out that the victims all have a little scarab-shaped amulet on them. The scarab turns out to be the symbol of some Egyptian cult....

Pretty bad movie. Badly directed and badly played. The only cool thing about this movie is the Egyptian rituals with lots of half naked babes dancing like crazy among an extremely fake looking set. Oh, and there is this guy, who shoots bullet with his finger. Nonsense.

Angel Hill: l'ultima missione

Pretty bad...
Too sad. The Italian B-movies directed during the late 80's don't have the "magic" of the earlier films.

Nothing original here. You know how the movie will end after the first 20 minutes. Donald Pleasance seems so tired that he looks like he's gonna faint.

The film is not very violent, it contains no gore, except for one short scene where a guy has his foot stock in a trap, and a pair of t**s.

There's also a nice love story. But does the audience for this kind of films care ? I did. Because it was surprisingly the most interesting thing in this movie.

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