
IMDb member since November 1999
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    24 years


Pigen og millionæren

Danish comedy, at the best
Dirch Passer considered this movie as one of his best.

The music and the pictures from Copenhagen are splendid, The movie features beside Dirch Passer other fine danish actors, how act their best in the comedy genre.

Pigen og milionæren is directed by Ebbe Langberg, Known as "first lover" in many earlier movies. Her changed successfully into Theater in the seventies.

The movie give a picture of the "slang" spoken at that time especially Axel Strøby is great.

I have seen this movie as child in the sixties and seen it again on Video & Telvevision - I'm still amused


Short Humerous movie about racism at multiple levels
A man has forgotten to vote, 10 minutes before closing the polls, he takes a cab but The Taxi-driver turn him on with racist comments, he change to others cabs - but the same situation occurs.

Humorous short movie, that indicate that intolerance is found at many levels.

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