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Svart Lucia

A sassy Swedish chiller
Sweden, normally known for another type of film(in a stereotypical way) has produced a fine film in the form of Svart Lucia.

Stylish photography, a haunting score and a memorable twenty something cast all make this a compelling treat.

I also genuinely believe that this is the movie that Scream was based on, due to the numerous similarities. Check it out. You might be surprised.

Eight Days a Week

The best comedy ever since 'Clerks'
I discovered this gem late one night as I was surfing on all five tv channels that we have in Britain.

Little did I realise that I had stumbled on what would turn out to be the funniest comedy of the year. It has everything from repressed grandfathers to Tarantino-esque dialogue about who is the best James Bond.

All I can say is that it is post pub perfection!Enjoy.

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