Reviews (20)

  • I hate when I read a review and some guy is trying to compare a low budget horror film to "Gone with the Wind" It's a low budget horror film you idiots. Have you ever tried making a film? The Quiroz Brothers have an audience...a big audience...every guy that goes to college and smokes a little weed in between exams. That's it! Nothing more! The film is meant to be fun, silly, crazy and might scare you a little...making a film for 20k is tough, trust me I've done it and its no walk in the park. Who gives a crap about police protocol? The great thing about movies is they are FANTASY! They are meant to take you away from REALITY..There are no rules in film making, the only rule is that there are no rules...just watch "Boffo Tinseltown"...some of the greatest directors and producers will say the same thing. There are no secrets, no one in film-making knows what is going to be a hit or even be good...Paranormal whatever or that other horror picture that make a billion dollars...There are no rules, don't be mad at the Quiroz brothers for breaking them...they have 17 straight to video films...looks to me they are have an audience
  • Every time I see a film like this I get sick to my stomach. When I watch a movie I like to see what I see in everyday life. As I go through my day I see blacks, whites, Asians, Latinos etc...How do you cast a film and don't even think of the possibility that other ethnic groups will walk past you? I'm sure they didn't do it on purpose but pay attention. I don't care if it takes place in Kansas or South Central. All I saw was one token black. This was typical in the 80's. Hey! it's 2007, with all the rappers, singers and athletes working as actors Thomas Haden Church could have paid more attention to his cast. Aren't actors supposed to be more liberal?
  • This movie would have been great if the cast would have reflected today's society, or at least the way we look at it. This cast was from a typical 60's - early 90's make-up. One black zombie, a black butler (what the heck?), one Latino bad guy, no Asians and 100 white actors playing all the meaningful roles.

    Come on George! Get your head out of the 60's. Don't you watch hip-hop? All our kids do. As a filmmaker myself you have to understand your climate. When I write I wouldn't dare write a film with all blacks, all whites or all Latinos. Unless it was totally called for (a film about African natives)It's just not the world I live in. I love watching films when my everyday world is reflected. Every ethnic group brings something special to a film, like humor.

    It's funny, I can watch a film on cable and I can tell what decade it's from by the cast. If you watch Nicklodeon, those show's have white kids dating black kids and so on. That's the way we look at it now, it's better then before George....WAY BETTER! So get with it homie.
  • Look, I don't feel sorry for these rich kids either but you have to look at it like this: These rich kids are the other extreme of poor. They have money but didn't earn it. The rest of us strive for a better life, better job, better love, but where do they start? They already have those things.

    It has to be hard to find your own identity and your own passion. That's why some rich kids kill themselves, overdose or end up in prison.

    And the sister (black woman)who took her friends to the Hamptons for breakfast, get over it and live your life. I'm a black man from South Central LA and I don't let anything stop me or upset my day. When I experience racism, I laugh right in there face and drive away in my $50,000 bimmer. You should read Russell Simmons book "Life and Def".

    Stop hating the rich everybody! If Donald Trump decided to give away 50 million dollars, all of us would be in line. I'd be in the front.

    Anthony Hopkins said it best in the film "The Edge", "What one man can do, another man can do" If you have integrity and work hard, you too can be rich with a little luck.
  • I was scanning through the channels one night and stopped on this film. Man, was I glad. It's nice to see the filmmakers trust the audience and their film by not cluttering up scenes with music. The silence was golden. Great direction, great acting and great music! I could tell this was based on a true story. It was so edgy and gritty it could not have been made up. The hardest part of making a true story work is keeping it real, they did that. I recognized all the actors, some one needs to hire Cam'ron he was great. I don't think you can compare this with New Jack City, I liked New Jack City but it was allot softer the Paid In Full. I could feel the tension in some of the scenes, it was powerful. I might buy this one.
  • If you're going to make a movie about werewolves or vampires someone should actually turn into one. It would have been a good low-budget movie with a different hook but they failed to make a monster. Maybe it was a budget thing, I've been there. ADVISE: If you don't have enough money to do it right, don't do it!
  • Anybody that wants to make a film should see this one. I loved that they didn't over score the film. They let the squeaky gate, the splashing of the pool and the silence tell the story. I hate when I see an indie filmmaker put too much music in the movie. It's like they don't trust us to listen even when there's nothing to listen to. Thanks for trusting us! Great film!
  • I read some other comments and can't understand why some people didn't like this film. The problem is someone who's never made a film doesn't know what it takes to make a film for very little money. I've done it twice. I thought this film was very good. It made me laugh, cry and think, which is what every film is supposed to do. Great job directing and well acted. Some of the comments said the film had bad acting. Those people obviously don't know what good acting is.
  • I read some of the comments and was surprised that some people didn't like this film. This was a great film! It's not "Gone With The Wind" and was never meant to be. When you judge a movie you have to judge it first on entertainment value. Historical accuracy is almost last on the list, if it wasn't the film would be a documentary. Russell is the most underrated actor in Hollywood. Kilmer was great as Holliday. Who ever put this film together knows how to produce. They got some of the best actors in Hollywood to take minor roles. That is not easy. Trust me on that.
  • This was a great documentary. But people should realize that everything that goes on in any community will eventually leak over into other communities. People would say; "Oh that only goes on in the black or Hispanic community". This is America! We may not all be of the same race, creed or religion but we're all Americans. When Black people scream out the white community HAS to listen! Blacks & Hispanics have been telling whites for years about police abuse, until "Rampart" in Los Angeles no one was listening. If you take care of EVERY community you take care of the country.
  • I was surprised by this film. It was well acted and well directed. They only had one problem and it was the sound. That might have been a budget thing. It was originally a Roger Corman film. Other then that it played well. Lots of action with a solid plot. If I were them I'd do a part 2 with the same actors but with a little better quality sound.
  • This could have been a good story but it's apparent that Canada doesn't have the actors or the resources to do a film that takes place in the hood. Michael Clark Duncan was good with what he had to work with. I didn't think it was a very good script, but it was a good true story. The kidd that played "Sirr" did an decent job. Aunt Jackie was good as well. The roles that suffered were the smaller roles. The thing about a film is that there are no small roles. Every role is a piece to a puzzle. If the "day-players" don't come off as pros your production suffers. The other thing about Canada is you can't do any big shots, because it doesn't look like where you're supposed to be. Know what I mean? And why was #34 playing quarterback? Those are some of the small things that make a film look legit. A director's mistake. Some films need to be shot where they took place.
  • I enjoyed this movie but it had one thing I didn't understand. The lead girl said she was an honesty freak. She was never honest with the guy. When she was confused about his sexuality she never took his word that he wanted her. She'd rather go with a guy who cheated on her, which was dishonest then a guy who lied about being gay? That's a woman for ya. If she was an honesty freak she should have dumped both of them.
  • I don't know why people trashed this movie. You can't compare it to "Gone with the Wind", if you do something is wrong with you. If they had an Academy Award category for comedies, this film would have gotten nominated. This movie is supposed to be crazy fun! I watch it every time it's on TV. Lighten up people!
  • I didn't get a chance to see this movie when it came out but when I saw it I was really impressed. The movie had class and it was refreshing to see normal black folk. As a film maker my self I thought the guy did an excellent job for the money. It just proves you can do a quality film without a bunch of stars. But where is Chebot, I am waiting for his next project.
  • This film brought me to tears not because it was so emotional I had to cry but being a Black man and a working actor making a living for 20 + years, It was the first time a big budget, well shot, well acted (Whitney is still weak at times), well directed film about "most" black lives got a big theatrical release. Most black films (Excluding Spike Lee) are about thugs or are so low budget you never get to see them. It was about time!
  • It's great to see a bunch of veteran actors getting down. The industry should take a look at this show and learn something. One of the most well acted shows I've ever seen. Well directed also Charles Dutton did a fantastic job. What I really liked was the fact that it looked like a documentary and a film at the same time. Excellent!
  • I felt the film was well directed and well acted but I felt at times they were saying success turns you white. The guy was a news reporter and he should speak well and encourage his girlfriend and homie to do like wise around the white folk. Play the game, get rich and laugh about it later. I'm from South Central and I own my own production company. When I'm with the homies I use slang and feel free to speak the way I want but when I'm doing business I speak professionally. Now the guy should never forget where he came from and he shouldn't sell his soul to be successful but speaking well and becoming successful does not equal turning WHITE!
  • I really liked the film, well acted, well directed. As a director myself I felt a sense of sadness that the black audience didn't support the film. We keep crying for better images on film but when they come we don't support it. If you are an African-American you owe it to yourself and Matty Rich to see this film and hopefully some other ethnic groups will see it and understand that we're not all drug dealers and pimps.
  • The film was not ethnically diverse enough for a military film. Although I did like that there were strong women in it and they weren't afraid to kill off some of the lead actors early in the film. No hispanics, no asians and only 2 blacks in the military? come on. I didn't even see any dead ethnic groups laying on the floor.