
IMDb member since February 2001
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Bits and Pieces

Great Laughs and Lots of Nudity!
What else could you want in a slasher flick than naked people, laughs and gore? You can just tell that this crew had a ball making this film, "Bits and Pieces" is a cult 80's classic. After his mother tortures and torments our lead psycho, he grows up to torture women and leave them in bits and pieces in the dumpster. This film is a great ride. Who will survive, and who will be chopped up into bits and pieces? Find out for yourself and catch Leland Thomas's wonderful gorefest!

The Albatross

VERY amateur filmmaking...
Lots going wrong with this short piece. The script has no point the acting is badly directed, the dialog is awkward. Some of the editing choices are decent for a high school production. But this filmmaker obviously has a lot more to learn. Better luck next time.

Hollow Man

Hollow Movie - A MUST TO AVOID
This was one of the worst films I've seen in years. I am a Kevin Bacon fan. He's a decent actor, and I don't blame him for this steaming pile of invisible dung. I blame the director. He takes a wonderful effect and wastes it. Nothing scary, nothing thrilling nothing funny, nothing dramatic, nothing done with what could have been a very intense/clever premise. Instead he keeps us in a boring laboratory with goofy scientists. Any discouraging filmmaker should catch this

film. Just make sure you steal it or borrow it. This film does not deserve your money. Prove to Hollywood that effects don't make a movie

South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut

South Park is one of the funniest & smartest Movie in years
I didn't expect to enjoy this movie as much as I did. I can't

remember the last time I have laughed so hard in a movie

theater. What was so great about Bigger, Longer and Uncut,

wasn't just its humor, but also how smart it was. Sure it had

lots of crude toilet humor, but it also had comedy that was

extremely intelligent, like The Simpsons. The Simpsons are able

to make you think, but laugh your butt off at the same time.

When the characters burst out into Broadway style/Disney cartoon

show tunes, not only did they get me to hum along with them up

to this day, something Disney has been unable to do for years

now, but they were hilarious. From the rousing "Uncle F*cka" to

the adrenaline pumping "What Would Brian Boitano Do?" the

soundtrack is equally as fun as the movie. If you've ever seen

and laughed from a South Park episode, definitely check this

movie out. If you have ever enjoyed an episode of the Simpsons,

check this movie out. If you're a tight wad anal conservative,

PLEASE check out this movie

Arlington Road

Excellent, yet disturbing ending makes this a good film.
To be honest, I was beginning to get bored with what seemed to

be a traditional dry terrorist blowing things up movie. I love

Tim Robbins, Jeff Bridges has only impressed me once (in the

awesome "Fearless"). Without it's twisted ending, and I mean

twisted in both senses of the word, I would have not recommended

it. It brought up some interesting and scary issues, but it is

it's shocking conclusion, that sticks in your head. Any movie

that can remain in my head several months later, is a good one

in my book. It's just now out on Video, it'll be popular, I

guarantee it. Rent it if

Sleepy Hollow

I just finished reading the Script
Knowing what Tim Burton can do, I have a feeling that this film will be one of the best of the year, that's only judging by the fabulous script I read, penned by Andrew Kevin Walker (se7en). It's a story of magic, believing in the unbelievable, intrigue and adventure. I for one cannot wait to see this adaptation onto film.


An odd film, full of heart
Very rarely can a director evoke so much awkwardness and kindness from his/her silent moments in their films. Wes Anderson is one filmmaker who can. His characters are so richly drawn, finely acted and beautifully directed, that even when they're not speaking... we can read their emotions, we feel their pain. Young Jason Swartzman gives a fantastic performance. Even nicer is the surprise turn by Bill Murray, who manages to play a good guy and a villain at the same time. In one scene he is wearing Budweiser boxer shorts on a diving board. He is smoking a cigarette and jumps, doing a cannonball into his sewer-ridden pool. We see him curled up at the bottom of his pool, drowning himself in misery. Is this a connection to his future lover's dead husband? Who knows. But what we do know is that Anderson has crafted his film to star the most unlikely of heroes. They are the oddest of the bunch, but at the same time we know what they are going through. Their oddness aside, what we learn to see more of, is their hearts. It is obvious Anderson has wiped his heart all over this piece, and it pays off more than I'm sure he ever could have imagined.

Buffalo '66

Forget Ricci, lets talk about Gallo
It was a big year for Christina Ricci, unfortunately I didn't get to see any of her raved performances until they hit video this January. While I was relatively impressed... what got me more was a performance by a Vincent Gallo in a little film I didn't know anything about, called Buffalo '66. Gallo, wrote, starred in, directed and composed the music for this dysfunctional love story, or lack of love story rather. Gallo's performance is staggeringly good. His direction and pacing is even better. Not many directors can direct themselves this well. It only seems to work when the actor/director is also the writer. Gallo creates a world so realistic, full of pain and uncertainties, we get hooked. At first we laugh at his bickering sick family. We watch as his mother and father ignore his presence at the dinner table, the tension from their scene carries out of the VCR and into your living room. We stop laughing, and we begin to read the hurt on this man. He's got nothing. His entire life is nothing. We want him to put that gun down so badly, to start over with Layla, to try and rebuild his life. And because we get so attached to this character, it's why we love this film so much. I for one will be the first in line to see Gallo's next cinematic opus. I hope to see some of you there as well.

The Truman Show

The Best Film of 1998
Jim Carrey couldn't have asked for a better role to express his dramatic side. We watch Truman Burbank for two hours, and although it's only a movie, we become part of the TV audience sitting on the edge of our seats wondering "How it will end". Peter Weir creates a world that seems unreal, but in truth isn't far from reality. In world of MTV's "Real World" and Jerry Springer exposes, we have begun to crave voyeurism. The Truman Show isn't about Truman, it's about society.

The Shawshank Redemption

My All-Time Favorite Film
This film is a masterpiece. It manages to wrench the viewer through every emotion possible. With Morgan Freeman's ardent narration and Tim Robbins' masterful expressions, Director Frank Darabont has taken a short description by Stephen King and crafted it into something that deserves to be seen by everyone.

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