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Blade: Trinity

Poor - spoilers
This is a seriously poor film... and I don't know where to start. The product placement of the i-pod? The fact that the production wants you to call Dracula Drake (in a hip move that makes you think of comics and naming conventions over the fact the guy is called Dracula!)? The stupid on-foot chase between Blade and Drake? The fact Whistler is beaten by the Feds, when he survived Vamps? The inappropriate comedy? The stupid blind woman? The fact Drake was just resting, wasn't in a tomb at all, and woke up when he chose to? The crapness of the script? The poor introduction of Whistler's daughter? The lack of tension? The horrendous ending?

I can't go on... please kill me. I knew I should have seen Polar Express.

The Matrix Revolutions

This IS NOT the Phantom Menace -> (Insinuated spoilers)
You will either hate this film or love it - there is no middle ground - you will accept the story or you won't. Those that are in the middle at the moment will find their side (they're just a little slower than the rest of us)

Six of us saw Revolutions - 1 hated it, 1 didn't know what to think, 1 couldn't believe the ending and wanted more Kung Fu, 1 thought it was alright... and 2... yes, just a measly 2 loved it (including myself).

And at the moment I don't understand why the others don't love it(!) It's better than Reloaded because it's the concluding story, it brings (most of) the tail ends of the story, it has a kick ass adrenaline ride in the middle that would have stood up as a perfect ending (had this been some other film not trying to push the boundaries of what people are thinking).

There are 2 problems... not with the film... with the people who don't like it... 1. They have made the film theirs, and have forgotten that it is the Wachowski's epic - it is the Wachowski's story and they decide the path (not the viewers) 2. They need a constant stream of verbal diarrhoea to maintain the logic centers in their brain and keep them thinking - "Gee there is a lot of backstory and theology in here!"

The film pulls away from gumballing the viewer with Architect babble - it's there to move the plot along, but is mostly put into symbolism. And whilst brilliant Hell is unleashing all over the screen (and the sad bits kind of do lack acting ability), I (as a Star Wars fan) would choose this over Attack Of The Clones.

If you want to enjoy this film: 1. Drop your preconceptions - this is not your film, you are along for the ride. 2. Read the pictures (they are the words) - they will tell you what the symbolism is 3. Agree that the Tagline is a tagline and not the answer to the trilogy - there is no ending in life, so why should there be one here - life does go on. 4. Enjoy the film for what it is - popcorn

Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2

No, no, no! No more cliche! - Actually i was drawn in!
Yes, this is full of the cliche Wiccan, Goth, mental patient and the Yin Yang of the couple - one believeing, one disbelieving... Yes, the opening dragged on for a bit, offering only an introduction to the characters and their cliche's, and yes, the flashbacks, flash forwards, flash snippets and flash photography only served to confuse and insight the feeling that there is a big twist coming up in exactly...

Well, you get the point - I hope!

Blair Witch 1 was full of mixed reviews when it came out, I remember my brother still saying that it was a c**p film, but I'm guessing that's just because he didn't get it!

This one is a good film if you give it a chance, enter into the right frame of mind and get scared. I was on the edge of my seat remembering my deep seated horror from the first, the pit of my stomach running with biled acid, serving to heighten my fear!

I guessed the middle stage twist, and the near end one, but I still enjoyed it and so did my friends, except one, who thought it was pants... But 5 out of 6 isn't bad, and I think it'll be enough to push BWP2 up a few stakes.

Give it a chance, but just the one - I am not planning on watching it again, because I was freaked! Enjoy - or don't!

Star Trek: Insurrection

Well, well, well... Having seen the advert, I wasn't that impressed with the way Insurrection was actually going to look. But, being dragged to it by a friend because we were bored, meant that I spent the next 103 minutes ducking Sonar space rifts and Briar patch bogeys!!! The advert does not do this film justice, as you get the impression that it's just about herding invincible people around a planet to avoid being removed or killed! Ask yourself why it is happening, because that is when the plot opens up and sucks you through the pressure door into space...

Strange Days

The end of your life?
My first sight of this film was the advert. Hearing the raucous rock of Skunk Anansie as a helicopter flies over packed city streets, cutting to a burning car reversing, shootings, chases, bad guys, good guys??? I bought the soundtrack but missed the film itself until it came out on video. One renting was enough to show me that this was the prize puppy. I bought it and wahaaay... You should buy it too

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