Pac-Man 256

IMDb member since December 1999
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The Blair Witch Project

Okay Movie - I liked it
The Blair Witch Project was an okay movie. I preffered it on DVD to the movie theatre, because the shaking was less apparant. But in both it was an intresting movie - I'm a young aspring movie producer/directer which is probably the only reason I liked this movie. So I'd give it a "B" Only because it was a college project movie and it inspired me.

Extreme Ghostbusters

Good TV show But doesn't hold up to the movies
It's a good tv cartoon. I enjoyed it. I think that it was kind of fun to watch a new Ghostbuster team! I would've enjoyed it more if the orginal Ghostbusters were in it. There was on epsiode where the orignal Ghostbusters were in it. But they were old so it wasn't so good. The only original Ghostbuster was Egon Spengler, Janine Melnitz, and Slimer (if you count him). All in all it is a good series. There was also one episode where Janine did some ghostbusting!

The Harlem Globetrotters on Gilligan's Island

I enjoyed this movie but don't ask a Gilligan's Island manic what they thought about it
I enjoyed this movie. Most true Gilligan's Island fans (which I am) Would say that this is the worst movie. I think that that is just what made this movie interesting. It was different. In this movie there was a different Ginger than in Rescue from and Castaways on. I had trouble telling who Ginger was. You probably won't like this movie if you like B-Ball but don't like Gilligan's Island. There is a B-Ball match at the end. But it is not a real match. The Harlem Globetrotters play against the "New Invinvcibles" who are robots. I give this movie 5 out of 10. The worst movie in the series.... But give it a try

Rescue from Gilligan's Island

I liked it a lot but I could've been better if Tina Louise played Ginger
I liked it. They managed to make it a good Gilligan's Island movie. It wasn't like the original TV seris. For one reason they got rescued (DUH) then all the cast members were older except Ginger who is now played by Judith Baldwin she was so much younger than everyone else. Then Gilligan got his good luck. Two Russian spies wanted that so Gilligan was avoiding them the whole time they were rescued. Gilligan never really avoided them hhe just used comedy to get out of there. The Skipper and Gilligan had to go around cheering everyone up. Because they all had problems after they were rescued. I liked this but I think I preferred the original series.

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