
IMDb member since August 1999
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And Just Like That...

Starts out very badly, by Episode 5, I'm hooked!
The first two episodes of the series were so depressing and just not the Sex and the City revamp I was looking for, I had to start this series twice. By the fifth episode, when it gets back into the normal rhythm of interesting and timely topics, I feel like the girls all found their rhythm again and I enjoyed listening to their banter all over again! I thought to myself, I don't even miss the sarcasm and overt sexuality of Samantha. The girls are wonderful and there is a chemistry that cannot be faked. It took awhile for them to find their natural back and forth again, but it was so rewarding once it was back.

If you were a fan of Sex and the City original like I was, I strongly recommend you give this a go, get past the few 3-4 episodes until it finds its footing. You will be happy you did!

Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones

Required watching for ever City council and planner
Change your environment and you change the people within it. These are concepts that most people know, but fail to put into practice. We have the power to live longer, happier and healthier lives, we just need to promote it and "nudge" each other forward, but backwards, with our public policy. Eat healthier, connect with each other, stay active and value our family members of all ages. It can be done. We will all be better for it.

Dan presents the case studies in the first 3 episodes and then the examples of how to duplicate them in the last one. It isn't difficult, we have to focus on the goal. What is good for all of us is good for all of us.

Pamela, a Love Story

Pammy... This is a **must watch**
Pam and I share a birthday, so I get her. She also shares a birthday with Princess Diana, when you watch this you can see the similarities in both personas - kind, caring, forgiving, gentle natured, intelligent women intent on making a difference in the world.

Here's what is inaccurate. Pam makes a comment, "no one wants to see these old boobs." Nothing could be further from the truth. She is still strikingly beautiful at any age. Most men would still fall over themselves to get a date with her If only she could see it. Hollywood is so shallow and ignorant of aging. Women like Dame Helen Mirren and Christie Brinkley get it. Attraction and sexuality are ageless. The only way her love story is over, is if she thinks it's over.

I refuse to watch Pam and Tommy because neither one of them authorized it, which is disgusting. Imagine if someone made a movie of your life that you never agreed to or were able to edit for inaccuracies? Shame on the producers.

This is a very interesting and well produced biopic. I was surprised at how well done and interesting it was given that her son (does he have experience?) produced it. Yes, this is the Pammy I know and love. I respect and highly admire her love for animals and animal causes. She's more intelligent than most people know. I recommend watching V. I. P., it is a very smart and entertaining action comedy series. It's her mind, body, charisma combination that still makes her a force to be reckoned with. Watch this, you will not be disappointed.

Hollywood Houselift with Jeff Lewis

Jeff is a 10
Jeff is a 10. I love him, love his designers and his crew. His remodels and his interactions with his clients are always very interesting to watch and listen to. His end product is always great, the transformation process by itself is interesting. Loving the show and glad it's back on the air.

David Spade: Nothing Personal

Nothing new, low budget
I absolutely love David Spade. However, this is not his best work. From his clothing, to the material, to the filmography and the laugh tracks, it was a let down. I've heard 90% of this previously and you can tell not a lot of money for filming or editing was put into it. Sorry, I'd pass on this. Still a fan David!

Always Jane

Worth watching
Even though I'm not aware of anyone trans in my circle and I'm accepting of anyone who is kind and loving, i still got a more meaningful understanding of what it is like to be trans. Jane's sisters are right, different is beautiful and it shouldn't matter to anyone else. To worry about someone you love having to go through difficulties, closed mindedness, potential danger, i can't imagine. I admire Jane for her openness and willing to share something so personal. Thank you for sharing your life, others will be informed, more compassionate and better for it. Your family is amazing.

The French Dispatch of the Liberty, Kansas Evening Sun

What a huge waste of an hour
Without question one of the worst movies I've ever had the pleasure of walking out of. The reviews on this are head scratching at best. Meant to be funny, it's not. Dumb dumb dumb.


Not exactly a pick me up movie
Scary real. Good acting by everyone. What is the saying, "judge not, yest ye be judged." The message i take from this movie is to think for yourself, make your own decisions based on your own intelligence. Don't just go with whatever the crowd is doing or thinking. Give everyone the benefit of the doubt like you would want them to do to you.

Amy Schumer: Growing

Very very funny 10*
I wasn't initially a fan of Amy Schumer, but really started to like her after reading her book and how she was able to make even painful family situations funny. I thought this special was an hour full of really funny material. I didn't want it to end. I can't figure out why there are a lot of '1' reviews and frankly I just don't trust them. It's evident to me that she puts a lot of work into the material. I'm impressed that she can do easily go off script interacting with the audience and still be amazingly funny. I can't wait for the next one. If you like Amy and her previous specials, this definitely will not disappoint.

Rock Star

surprisingly good!
Rock Star is a great movie, especially for fans of the 80's hair band era. The trailers I saw didn't give away any of the movie. I went in not expecting much. The music was great and there were some good laughs. Mark did a great job and, as usual, he's easy on the eyes. I like the style of humor and gave this movie a 9.

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