
IMDb member since January 2001
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    IMDb Member
    23 years


The Rocky Horror Picture Show

If you ever want to torture me, make me watch this again
This is the most supremely awful film I have ever witnessed in my life. The image of Tim Curry looking like he just stepped out of the Mardi Gras is going to haunt me for the rest of my life. I feel violated.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not a straight-down-the-middle kind of film goer. I love cult films. I love quirky films. Some people have mentioned Being John Malkovich as a film which is comparable in its weirdness. I loved that movie! But I DO NOT like this.

I have no problem with people being gay, bi, transexual, or transvestite - I don't care if someone is a lesbian vampire who enjoys bondage with camels. It still won't change the fact that this is the most disturbingly hideous and unpleasant film I've ever seen. There was not a single scene in this movie that did not resemble a drug-induced experience. I wept with tears of pain from start to finish. How this movie became a cult classic I will never know.

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