
IMDb member since February 2000
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    24 years


Hadaka no shima

An old vision of life
This movie is 30 years old. Most of the people who have seen it, did it 30 years ago. This movie is quite difficult to find those days, so that's why few young person have seen it.

I saw this movie minutes ago. I haven't been much impressed by this movie. It is a slow, silent (i mean no dialogue) movie. This is not a wrong thing, but it is not really well exploited. No dialog means that actors must be really expressives : They must be able to communicate their emotions through their faces, their look... Unfortunatly, the children are quite poor actors : They just don't express anything. They look a bit like automatons. The women expresses happiness, sadness, and suffering. She's by far, the best actor of the film. The father isn't showing much emotion. He seems to watch and thinking about what he's watching or doing.

The movie seems to deal with human condition : hard work, hard life, sadness,... The vision of this movie is very special. The family is a simple family who lives alone on an island seperated from the civilization. They live on the plants they're making grow by themselves. That kind of family looks much more like a farmer family or a working family (like in the 19th century). That type of family isn't a family of the 20th century, or of the 21th century. The film is dealing with this subject as if it was some kind of universal fact for the humans. Luckily times are changing, and this movie will be forgotten with those times. Only a few people works as farmers, or workers. This movie don't have no more the strengh it could have had a few years ago.

The film is very simple, and quite original (no dialog,...). I guess this movie is much more better in memory than when you see it : Two persons commented it, and said "a perfect movie". Those two persons saw it 30 years ago. I'm almost convinced that if those persons see it one more time, they would be really desappointed. I saw this movie because mature persons have recommended it to me (it was a famous movie in 1962 in France). This movie is quite over-rated in my humble opinion, because it is badly growing old, but it's still an interesting movie.

Yinhe shuangxing

A silent chinese movie that has a similar atmosphere to European silent movies...
Two Stars in the milky way (known as Deux étoiles dans la voie lactee in french) is a movie that is typically from the 20's and the 30's. The story is quite uninteresting seen from the end of the century : The film shows an impossible love between two stars in the beginning of the chinese cinema... The story is a very classic one : You can see many european and american movies from the same period, that have the same story.

Many details shows that this film has been very influenced by Europe : The music for beginning is a mix of asian (vocal) and european (violon, and music itself) style. You also see at the beginning a statue of Beethoven or Bach (I'm not sure). The film maker team also go to a golf, and men are dressed like english men.

The main things that makes this movie attractive, is that it's a quite old asian movie, and also a chinese movie before communism and that this movie is very similar to european movies. I must also say that the chinese song is really beautiful.

If you want to see a good movie that shows friendship between two actors, you'd better watch Farewall my concubine (Adieu ma concubine in french)...

I've voted 6.

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