
IMDb member since November 1999
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Mulan II

Could be worse. But then it's direct to video...
This being a direct-to-video sequel, I didn't have too high hopes for this movie, and i many ways my expectations were met. This is some of my comments / remarks:

  • Very little attention to details (in the animation). There is very few (if any) small background gags. And people not "active", often stays inanimate for seconds before changing. This is of course due to (lack of) budget. And it doesn't really drag the movie down. But it doesn't lift it either.

  • The story is very predictable. After 10-15 minutes you know how it will end. And there is not really any big surprises along the way, you'll always stay 5 minutes ahead of the movie.

  • The songs are clearly "cheap". Seems like recycled/refused material for earlier movies, with new lyrics. And the flow (outburst into music) is not very smooth either.

  • How much "western" philosophy / values can they be put into a "foreign" "world", and still get away with it. The main moral question in the movie is clearly in contrast to traditions of that time and place. However it is (obviously) victorious in the end as the "right thing to do", regardless of the consequences such action would have lead to "in the real world", especially at that time. (I'm not saying the tradition is neither "right", nor "the best", simply that it is painfully unrealistic!)

  • The jokes are not really that funny. Mushu is basically the only one providing laughs.

All in all I think it's an OK sequel. The kids will definitely like it. But don't expect it to be watch every day, like the "originals". (Which of course in a sense is a good thing about it...)

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