
IMDb member since February 1999
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    25 years


The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin

Minor Goof
At the end of the fight scene with Roddy McDowall & Mike Mazurki, Richard Hadyn goes to the fight timekeeper (Dub Taylor) to distract him from ringing the triangle thereby ending the fight's round. He takes the triangle causing Taylor to whack, and utterly destroy, the pocketwatch that hangs on a post and that he is using to keep the time. Cut to cast congratulating McDowall on winning the fight. Cut back to Hadyn who hands Taylor back the triangle--only now the pocketwatch is back in place and totally intact!

Once Upon a Texas Train

An interesting film with a "history" to two earlier TV-films
A pleasant, tongue-planted-firmly-in-cheek western (with that Burt Kennedy touch) that gives up yet another adventure with some wonderful characters that were first introduced almost 20 years earlier. I speak of the ABC Movie-of-the-Week films "The Over-the-Hill Gang" and "The Over-the-Hill Gang Rides Again" (which was Fred Astaire's TV-film debut and ONLY western film--ever!) The character of Richard Widmark was earlier played by Pat O'Brien in the first film, with Chuck Connors taking over Walter Brennan's part and Jack Elam here "filling" in for Edgar Buchanan. Those earlier films (from 1969 & 1970 respectively) were light yet entertaining and this film does not fail in that genre. Some might argue that many of the actors are in their "golden years"--and that's to the viewer's advantage as you will soon realize that with age certainly comes style. Sit back, enjoy and find a smile creeping across your face as you discover that there ARE films out there that are made "like they used to be"!

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