
IMDb member since May 1999
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    25 years


Fei lung mang jeung

This film has everything you want out of a martial arts/Jackie Chan movie, Everything is done to the greatest extent, and the moves do look like they do connect, which is sometimes rare.

The plot is great, and it isn't just Chan who is good, Hung is extremly agile for a man of his size. Benny the Jet,maybe the eye make-up was a mistake, but he still proves that he is as proficent now as ever, well he wasn't undefeated world champ for nothing.

I never wanted this film to end , it went from strength to strength.

The Truman Show

Not that good
Yeah, I saw this movie and was looking forward to it , but the whole performance of the concept disappointed me. About half way through I wished it was going to finish then,to stop this embarrassing farce.

Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles

Yeah I saw this film without first reading the book, but it inspired me too. The characters are more or less perfect, none more so than Tom Cruise, who I liked even though his other film performances have been middle of the road. The music added extra atmosphere to the whole film, and it brought forward some good aspects of the book, I just wish they were making the second one in the series, instead of jumping to the third book - Queen Of the Damned.

The Crow

A masterpiece
The First time I saw this film was on a video cassette I had borrowed, it was just a visually stunning piece. The music,the atmosphere and the acting are perfect, not only by the late great Brandon Lee, but by Micheal Wincott who plays one of the greatest villains I have seen.

This Dark and spooky picture is a living memory of how great Brandon Lee was,if only he could have made more films like this.


I totally agree, this is one of the greatest horror/gore movies I've ever seen, and it has the ability to make you wince in places. The whole film never has a low point, it just keeps getting better and better. There could be things said in a metaphorical sense about the end, but I think its was just a way of getting more gore in. Fantastic, I loved Bad Taste, but this was even better.

Best of the Best

Yeah, I mean there will be critics out there who will say, it isn't the greatest acting or dialogue, but the martial arts and the final scene are excellent. Especially from actors such as Eric Roberts and Chris Penn who have had no formal martial arts training. The film is a master piece of martial art cinema, and yes I strongly say it is better than Titanic.

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