Reviews (3)

  • I was disappointed in this movie after seeing it. It is a very unique film, and its ability to actively involve the audience through "real" film footage is brilliant, but it lacks momentum and thrills. The chilling aspect of the movie just isn't that strong. The ending of the movie is very disturbing, but not all that shocking. In fact, it is rather predictable. The amateur nature of this film, while it does give the audience a strong sense of reality, is also the film's weakness because between the so-called frightening scenes is a large lull that consists of little more than constant arguing among the characters. While the arguments are sometimes humorous, they also get tiresome very quickly. This film is far above most horror films in terms of style, plot, and acting, but could and should have been more chilling than it was. An audience's imagination can only go so far. I would still recommend this movie, though, because it is a unique film experience.
  • SAND TRAP has a predictable storyline, complete with a typical ending, but still remains to be quite entertaining. The interesting thing about this movie is that it makes choosing sides very difficult. Viewers don't know whether to favor the good guy, who is basically an inept, irritating nerd kept in the dark all his life, or the bad guys, a mean-spirited adulterous wife and her brain dead lover. The characters aren't very deep, and none of them are intelligent, but it's still entertaining watching all the criminal hijinks and seeing a bullied nerd getting his revenge as an adult, although his methods are rather juvenile. Elizabeth Morehead shines in her portrayal as the cheating, two-sided wife, as does her criminal lover. I would recommend this movie if you were looking for a laugh or two one night, but don't expect a thrilling movie.
  • "Bubbles Galore" has got to be the most awful movie I've ever watched. On several occasions I was ready to leave the room, but I suffered through it. The movie may be labeled as a feminist sexual fantasy, but most feminists would probably shudder at the way woman are portrayed in this movie. "Bubbles Galore" presents a world where God is a hideous, sex-crazed exhibitionist who looks out for sex trade workers. There is virtually no plot at all -- the average full-fledged porn movie would have a better plot. Even though this is an XXX-spoof movie, the acting is still unjustifiably terrible and much of it was unwatchable. The overall style of film-making is misdirected and looks very unprofessional, even for a low-budget movie. "Bubbles Galore" is basically a very poorly made porn film without the hardcore content. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, even for people interested in the subject matter. It is a pure waste of time, and for a movie that was partially funded by the federal government, it is a waste of money as well.