
IMDb member since August 2000
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Where Is She?

Creepy and Thought Provoking...
A very well produced micro-budget horror film that uses atmosphere and a claustrophobic setting to full effect, Where is She? keeps you guessing. After the film is over you may find yourself pondering what you just saw, with questions that may elicit additional viewings. The reason I gave the film an 8 is that I do feel it runs a little long and could have been trimmed down. Also there is one character in the film whose part of the story seemed to be dismissed without explanation. Still, I feel that overall this is a film worth checking out, especially if you are an aficionado of the horror genre.

Nightmare Cafe: Sanctuary for a Child
Episode 5, Season 1

Luke is in a coma, and dreams of his parents reuniting with each other. Frank deals with his past in his home town.
I found this show filled with messages about love, family, and letting go of mistakes from the past. It leaves the viewer re-evaluating some of his/her own life experiences. The characters felt real and were very likable from the beginning of the episode. There was a scene with an old timer who recognized Frank and mentioned how Frank and his father were so different. The scene didn't fit well; it needed more information in it to connect smoothly with the story line. The scene with Luke in Pirates Cave with his father was a nice little twist in the story since a year earlier his father had tried to save him. I enjoy viewing this episode multiple times. I happened to record all of them when they first aired.

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