
IMDb member since June 1999
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i love this new series, i think it is just what was needed. angel's own story had to be told, but it would be cool if they did flash backs to his past as a vampire through the ages. And the sexy doyle, i would love if they developed his character more. he reminds me of methos from the highlander series, another sexy wonderful guy. doyle has this great sarcastic darkness, yet boyish innocence to him- its great. same with angel. cant wait for another epoisode- keep it coming.

Covington Cross

i miss this show
this was such a good series when it was on but the next thing i knew it was off the air. it was several years back when this was on tv so it is hard to remember faces and names so if any one can please tell me whether cedric grey (played by beautiful glenn quinn- "angel"s doyle on the wb) was the youngest son or one of the two elder sons. this was a wonderful show and i hope it's few airings will be placed on video so i can continue to see them. they always take away the good ones.

Wing Commander

looking deeper at a pretty good new scifi
its not all scifi, sure you've got the aliens, space crafts, etc. but it is more about over coming the hate in the world and universe. blair is looked down on because his mother was from a different group of people, and everyone thinks he is no good. he learns more about his mothers people, and does not hate the troop for hating him. the troop and commanders have to learn that "we all bleed the same", and "hate leads to suffering". it is a good scifi, but even better at looking into the lives we live together, and how we need to see everyones good. we may appear different, or come from a different group- but we are all one. i would recommend this to everyone, it really makes you see deeper, while enjoying a good scifi flick.

Children of the Corn

i love isaac
i love this movie, although there is a lot of bad acting. my friends and i have made this one of our fav cult flicks, and we know all the words. what upset me though was that john franklin (isaac) didn't get as much credit as the job and sara or adults did. isaac was a great character, and franklin did a perfect job, i think he was the best in the film. he's that fallen angel character with the cherub face and raspy choir voice, that you have to fall in love with. he didn't seem to want to be the bad guy but he who walks behind the rows gave him no choice, so he is really innocent under all that bad stuff. he protected the job and sara children- who turn on him and trys to stop frog-boy malachi from killing a lot of people. in the end i always cry because he is basically crucified by the children, and he is broken. i love the part when he kills malachi- the kid deserved it. and i always knew that isaac didnt die, i was just waiting for the day they would bring him back. plus i finally get to see what he looks like after all these years, since in children of the corn 6 they bring franklin back to play the part. what a great idea. cant wait!

Mad Max

poor max, he's gone mad
i love all 3 of the mad max flicks, they are great cult classics. although low budgeted, they are done well. there is just something about them that makes you addicted. young mel gibson- hot! i saw the thunder dome on tv and had to see the first 2. everyone should see these classics, they are a lot of fun. you become one with the character max, you feel his pain and vengeance. believe me, it's great.

Peter Pan and the Pirates

sticking up for the little guy
Peter Pan is my hero, and for any of you or your children who have not seen the fox cartoon of Pan, you missed something special. I liked it better than Disney, one because it was more correct on characters and personalities, and two because it lasted longer. Fox should bring back this wonderful t.v. show on Peters adventures. All children should have a chance to journey with him on his flight through neverland, it is pure good for the imagination. BRING IT BACK, PLEASE.


as the world falls down
I love this movie, it is one of my most favorites. I saw it when I was 6 or 7 years old, when it had just come out. However, as the years went by I had forgotten where the wonderful dream of the Goblin King, Luto, Hogle, Sir Didymous, Ambrosus, Sara, and the detachable head guys came from. It was on one of my trips to the video store- where I now work, that I found my dream. My mom said I saw the movie about a million times as a kid, but I bet I have seen it a million more by now. The greatest fairytale every done, besides Peter Pan. Sizzling Hot David Bowie and all the amazing creatures from Jim Henson- whom I share a birthday with! I love the soundtrack, it gives me that dreamy childlike feeling of "falling in love". There are no words to explain the beauty of those songs, you have to hear them to understand. If anyone knows where to find the book- although I've been told it is out of print, and the movie, let me know. Must go to the Labyrinth Ball. And it is a surprise how many people know and love this movie, I too thought I was the only one. Jareth all the way!!!!

Star Wars: Ewoks

lots of fun
Many star wars fans do not like the Ewoks, but I have yet to understand why. I think they are great and I wish I owned one of the stuffed animals. This TV series of the furry creatures was fun to watch. I work at a video store and I put in the episodes we have on tape. The kids just love it. It's a lot like the Smurfs. Hey, anything Star Wars is the best.

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