
IMDb member since June 1999
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An interesting movie the overriding feeling is that they done her wrong!
Sextette is a much maligned movie. There have been far worse films released. The new Region 2 English release on DVD simply has to be seen to be believed in contrast to the US Rhino version, which makes no attempt at a remastered print. The UK version is as crisp and sharp as it can be, saturated colours, good clear mono sound, and has obviously made this rather difficult movie more watchable.

Neither Mae West or anyone else in the movies finest hour this film has a few enjoyable moments. The whole premise that Timothy Dalton would be anxious to ravish the 83 0r 84 year old siren is unlikely! Dalton and Wests version of Love Will Keep Us Together is something that will stay wioth you forever despite years of therapy!!

I remember the late Vincent Price discussing a screentest (on British chat show host Michael Parkinson's show a few years back)for the role of one of her husbands only to be turned down because he was too old for the part!!

A Time magaazine review said the film could be enjoyed because it was so bad it was good!!

Worth catching if your taste runs to the outrageous!!

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

A Wicked Witch to end all Wicked Witches !!
Snow White was and,in my opinion,still is Walt Disneys' "finest hour".This movie contains some excellent characterisations,and some of the most beautiful watercolour backgrounds ever to grace a Disney movie.Certain scenes still haunt the memory long after a first viewing... the Evil Queens'flight down the winding staircase and her subsequent transformation into what has to be the Wicked Witch to end all Wicked Witches...the Dwarfs Dig a Dig sequence in their Diamond Mine complete with sparkling jewels,and naughty little Dopey with the substandard diamonds glinting in his eyes.In short this has to be the all time Disney masterpiece.I would award this classic 10/10 Watch it.

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