
IMDb member since October 2000
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Jake's Progress

This is one of the best mini-series I have ever seen. Dark, funny, sexy, disturbing... you name it, it is here. The actors were superb! Especially Barclay Wright, who plays Jake... Haley Joel Osment(The Sixth Sense) is good, but... Barclay Wright is, in my opinion, one of the most underrated young actors ever. The plot twists and suspense in this mini-series were almost more than I could stand, having to wait each week for the next episode. And although I was sorry to see the series end, what an ending! So shocking and yet so PERFECT! If you see this series in your TV listings, program the VCR! It is definitely worth it.

Clara's Heart

Funny, sad and realistic
I recently saw this movie for the second time. The first time I was 13 years old, and while I really enjoyed it then, it was certainly worth a second viewing as an adult. This movie has so many layers... Whoopi Goldberg is brilliant in her role as a Jamaican housekeeper, and both she and Neil Patrick Harris are quite witty... at times I found myself laughing out loud at their sarcastic banter. Besides making me laugh and cry, this movie also makes me angry... David's parents seem so self-absorbed and unconcerned about their son's welfare. I really felt sorry for him, and glad he had Clara. The ending is refreshing in that it is not a sappy "happily ever after", but also not horrible... it's nice to see something realistic for a change.


Cheesy Horror TV
I remember being 12 or 13 years old and begging my mother to let me stay up on Saturday nights to watch this cheesy half-hour horror show. I always think of it as the 80s version of Goosebumps, though I don't think it was specifically aimed at kids. Not that scary, but fun for lovers of the horror genre! The best part of the show was the monsters, of course... different ones every week with not too shabby makeup and effects, considering that this was a low-budget show.


Interesting 70s B-Movie
I am a big fan of 70s B-movies, especially those of the horror genre. Anyone interested in the early 70s will find this movie a real treat! While not that scary, it does have a number of interesting features, most notably the title song sung by a very young Michael Jackson. The storyline is quite good, not at all boring, and fans of Meredith Baxter Birney (Family Ties) will enjoy seeing her playing the sister of David. As always, I love seeing the funky clothing and interior design of 70s movies, and Ben features lots of great shots of rooms and furniture, fashions, toys, and automobiles of that era. One of the best "retro" parts is the supermarket, where very clear shots of early 70s boxes of Kellogg's cereals are plainly seen. If you want to be scared, rent something else. But if you want to see a groovy 70s movie, this is a pretty good pick.

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