
IMDb member since August 1999
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Kisses and Caroms

Great direction, fantastic writing, Perfect Performances & HOT CHICKS!!!!
I happened to see a sneak preview of this film and let me say, this is one indie to seek out.

For starters, the script is solid, with more witty dialog than a Kevin Smith film. The story is unique, sexy, and absolutely hilarious. I don't want to give too much away, but the story is about Zack and his girlfriend who have a threesome with a friend of theirs.

The story takes place after the threesome at the Billiads store where they all work. Zack wants to be a player, but his girlfriend doesn't want to give him up. hilarity ensues as Zack handles all the activity at the billiards shop while trying to figure out what happened and what to do.

The acting in Kisses and Caroms is far and above that of most indie films, and even a great deal of Hollywood films. Zack, you've probably seen the main character in countless commercials from high speed internet to jock itch. Well, not jock itch, but you get the idea.

The supporting cast shines just as well, in both the men and women that surround the main character. There are no weak performances at all in this film.

That quality is a definite credit to Director Vince Rocca, who helms this fun movie with the skill and talent of world class athlete.

Be sure to pick this film up. This is one to OWN!!!!!


What happens when a lifelong loser, suddenly finds himself dating 3 women at once?
I was able to catch a sneak preview of this movie before it played at the Cinequest film festival in San Jose.

Sunnyvale is a very funny film about a lifelong loser, who suddenly finds himself dating 3 different women. Each of the women have interesting stories and have all somehow met up with this guy who doesn't leave his apartment and eats more food than a herd of water bison.

Great comedy and great character interaction make this movie memorable and very enjoyable.

Three thumbs UP!!! Third thumb is for the ladies.

The Spirithunter

What you do in life can screw up your death
The Spirit Hunter is a nice little suspense thriller about what happens when you die.

In David Weidner's world, you run!

With your memory erased, you are given a head start on The Spirit Hunter. Depending on how good you lived your life, you are given a certain head start against the spirit hunter. You have to remember your life and reconnect with your body before your soul is given to The Spirit Hunter.

Well, if only it were that easy. Death isn't as straightforward as you might think. Who do you trust? Where do you go? What happens if I do reach my body? All these questions are part of this suspenseful movie.

Not your typical suspense movie based on quick cuts and a high pitched score, this movie is much more thought provoking. It has a smooth pace and the story never stops.

Lead by Jonathan T. Floyd, the cast is outstanding.

The film is very good, but where The Spirit Hunter would really shine is as a Television series. A lot of money could be made of this world that Weidner has developed.


Film gives Usher an edge up.
Usher is the story of Ash, a young and inexperienced hit man, who just botched his latest "job".

As a result, the boss decides to take a break with the kid and tells him to "find a job to pay the rent." Ash does what a lot of people do. He gets a minimum wage job, working next to slackers and morons, and faces his toughest challenge, dealing with the public.

Ash, uses his hit man and tough guy training, keeping order at the theater, while keeping a close eye on the cute concessions stand girl.

The film has a lot in common with other low budget mob stories. The film stars many of the directors friends, and is set in a location he has access to. A historic movie theater. This backdrop however, is extremely grand and looks great on the big screen.

Unlike most new low budget movies like this, Usher is shot on Film, and it definitely shows. The production values are mostly all high and shooting on film, gives this one a better look than a lot of other indie movies.

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