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Dawn of the Dead

SPOILERS, but who cares. Just another washed-out remake of a great horror film. Granted it had it's moments (like two) and it was an iota better than that fake Texas Chainsaw Massacre thing. It still blew. Too many characters, bad editing, bland zombies who weren't even in the mall until the last few minutes, no motorcycle gang, and the same shakey fake-snuff film look every "hardcore horror" movie seems to have these days. Enough with the remakes already. At least bad rip-offs don't drag great films down with them. Well, at least the new Willard was good.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Utter f***ing cockroach s***
*maybe spoilers, but who cares* Even as I write this I have to listen to Robert Palmer just to keep from tearing someone's throat out. This has to be the most ill-conceived film in decades. How could Hollywood forget why they invented remakes? You DO NOT remake a classic. It's a classic for a reason, BECAUSE THEY DID IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME!! The purpose of a remake is to take a film that had potential but did not succeed. The original "Texas" more than succeeds at scaring the various bodily fluids out of you. The dinner scene. Just let that sink in for a minute. They weren't even cannibals in this one! Leatherface. Has. A. F***ing. Name. Yes, I know they called him Bubba in the second one, but that could just be a nickname. Not only that, YOU SEE HIS FACE!! They don't even make a big deal out of it, it just happens. There's just too much. I can't even type. And now they're planning to "reimagine" Christine, Suspiria, The Fog, The Howling, as well as countless others. Why? Why does every good film have to be raped like this. If there is some sort of powerful, all-knowing entity out there, I hope it will see fit to bury this...thing and halt all those other remakes before they have a chance to soil all of time. As has been said many times before: Watch the original. Horror films were not invented in 1996 teeny-boppers.

Slumber Party Massacre II

The Greatest Thing to Have Ever Existed in the World of the Universe!
This review is only about the last twenty minutes of the film (aka: THE GREATEST MOMENT IN CINEMA!). Granted, the first fifty minutes is just like any other film, but that is before the killer shows up. If they wanted to create some sort of sympathy for the characters they shouldn't have made the killer the coolest guy on the whole f***ing planet! Atanas Ilitch single-handedly makes this my favorite movie of all time. Sure he kills the annoying characters, but he does it with style. Everyone uses a butcher's knife or a chainsaw. Who else uses a demonic drill guitar? How many slashers dance before giving the thirty-year-old-teens an extra body cavity? Only Atanas Ilitch: The Driller Killer. BUY THIS MOVIE!

Batman & Robin

the pain...
What the hell was this? Batman is the dark knight for God's sake! He shouldn't be prancing around in lighting that could effectively grow marijuana. To be fair, there was some serious potential here (minus Bane and Batgirl). Think about it: tensions grow between Batman and Robin. A family is being destroyed. Mr. Freeze has returned to Gotham, looking for his fataly ill wife. Poison Ivy senses the change in atmosphere, she senses the cold. Her happiness has been destroyed before and she will do anything in her power to counteract the coming winter. Here we have two people with the power to change nature. One driven by love. The other, by her contempt for human kind. They could have brought about the end of the world. BUT NO! The Schmucks at Warner wanted a movie that sold Happy Meals. They wanted the little brats of America to go to sleep choking down their eleven varients of Ninja Mongoose Batman! But that's another rant all together.

Batman Forever

Mainstream sucks!
In ancient Celtic mythology, there is a demon known as the Warschu. This creature has been told to eliminate the night. It fills the skys with gargantuan neon props and loud annoying music. It creates crude caricatures of the villages heros and legends and then sells countless action figures with their faces on them. Yes I'm being cynical! Tim Burton is a genius. He has created utopias for those of us who prefer the darker side of life. Well now our utopia has been ruined by you blood-sucking mainstream audiences! This movie is just a pacifier for you people who can't except reality!

Inspector Gadget

The film Dr. Forester didn't have the heart to beam onto the SOL
Let me get one thing straight from the start. I loved 'Inspector Gadget' as a kid. Since then I have had other interests, but I still remember it well. As many other reviewers have written, THIS IS NOT INSPECTOR GADGET! Also as you might have heard, you actually SEE Claw. When I was younger I was terrified of Dr. Claw. Now he's just the guy from 'My Best Friend's Wedding' with a metal hand. Although, sad as it sounds, Rupert Everett is the only cast member who looks like he's having fun. The special FX are pretty good, due in most part to Stan Winston Studios and Dream Quest Images ( it's interesting to see how far they've come since their 'Nightmare on Elm Street' days, if only in a better movie). There are some clever moments in here, but they could easily be fit into a comercial. It's very sad to hear Don Adams was in this. To me, he is the ONLY Inspector Gadget. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Disney is the most evil force on the planet.

Poketto monsutâ

Do what now??!!
What did I just watch? All right, all right. I don't want to offend any fans of this show (I'm not saying anything bad about it and I've only seen one episode) but could someone PLEASE tell me what's going on. This is all I can figure out: In the future, everyone keeps these little beasts that do nothing besides get in pointless fights and say their names over and over. Oh, and also the streets are filled with cross-dressing Rocky Horror wannabes. I'm just lost.


Jack Triper, Venus Flytrap, and a sweet transvestite.
!WARNING! SPOILERS! When I read the novel by Stephen King, I fell in love. The people turned out to be more evil than Pennywise. The characters became your best friends. However, the book is not great. It has quit a few low points. Some of the scares in the book are forced and overblown. It seems Stephen King was trying to write a Godzilla movie. Now a competent director could have prevailed, but NO! We get stuck with Mr. Halloween 3 himself, Tommy Lee Wallace. The movie did have some good points(i.e: Tim Curry as Pennywise the Clown) but overall it comes across as a strained 'Are You Afraid of the Dark?' episode. The main flaw in both the book and film is they show far too much of IT. This really needs to be played as a phsycological horror. I'm sorry, I'm just ranting. 2 stars out of 5.

Jack of All Trades

Fox finally did something right!
Yesterday, I sat down to watch the series premier of "Jack of all Trades." I was expecting something in the tradition of "Hercules: the Legendary Journeys." I was wrong. Bruce Campbell has never been funnier. And I really enjoyed his boss, Angela Maria Dotchin. This is the first time in like six years since Bruce Campbell had his own series. I can't wait to see where it goes.

Contamination .7

So this is the infamous Troll 3.
Yes you heared right. This is the third and (God help us) final entry into the Troll trilogy. But before I drone on about this film, let's review. Troll: A little girl is possessed by a troll and turns everyone in her apartment into foiliage. Troll 2: A little boy is pursued by GOBLINS! Not trolls. Troll 3 a.k.a. The Crawlers: A small town in Alaska (?!) is being wiped out by killer weeds. Do you notice something? No film has anything to do with the one that preceeded it. In most cases THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH TROLLS! Now on to The Crawlers. It's cheap, it's boring, it's stupid, it's fake, it's out of print (thank God), it's got to go. I have to move on now, I'm far too upset.

Troll 2

What else could go wong in this weally weatched weel? (What else could go wrong in this really wretched reel?)
Troll 2 is the story of a group of possibly gay sex-crazed teens, a witch who has trouble saying her R's, her latex goblins, and a little boy who rules his family with an iron fist. As a fan of bad movies, I have got to say, this is the best one I have ever seen. The characters are so bizzare. There's the Dad who can't open his mouth without saying something odd. The short-shorts wearing boyfriends friends (I don't even want to get into that). There's the dead Nazi grandpa. There's also a whole whorde (23) of strange townfolk. It's really to bad this is out of print, it's so bad it's good. It even takes the place of Plan 9. On a scale of -1 to -10, I give Troll 2 a -11.

Poketto monsutâ

Do what now??!!
What did I just watch? All right, all right. I don't want to offend any fans of this show (I'm not saying anything bad about it and I've only seen one episode) but could someone PLEASE tell me what's going on. This is all I can figure out: In the future, everyone keeps these little beasts that do nothing besides get in pointless fights and say their names over and over. Oh, and also the streets are filled with cross-dressing Rocky Horror wannabes. I'm just lost.

Blues Brothers 2000

I am going to hurt some one
First off, let me say something good about this movie. The music was fantastic, I was humming and singing it for days. This is the kind of music that makes you feel good. But then again, I was humming the music to IDLE HANDS after I had seen that. Think about it. Now the bad things:everything else. I am serious. Now, call me old fashioned, but aren't movies supposed to have plots? All I can remember was they did a song, had a car crash, did a song, cracked a bad joke, did a song, some guys were turned into mice, did a song, and that was it. I'm not kidding and yes you read that last part right! This does NOT belong in this movie. IT'S A BLUES BROTHERS MOVIE!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!

Maximum Overdrive

This is usually where I would put some witty comment but I'll refrain...this time.
Maximum Overdrive. Sure it has its share of flaws. Sure it may be silly at times. And sure, it may be a bad movie. BUT THAT'S THE POINT!!!!

Maximum Overdrive is an intentionly campy movie like Army of Darkness. I mean come on. Do you think a film would have ATMs cussing people out and steamrollers squishing tots and try to be taken seriously?! Stephen King said it himself. This thing was meant to be a comedy and is now a cult classic. Now the remake Trucks is an entirely different story. Trucks is an appalling attempt at trying to make this loud black comedy into a moody end-of-the-world flick and failing miserbly. So if you're tired of seeing all the gloom of Misery and all the creepy un-nerving images in The Shining, see Maximum Overdrive, a welcome change of pace.

P.S.- I wasn't saying anything bad about Misery and The Shining, which are think are phenomenal films, I was just using them as comparisons.


"You took two hours of my life and I want them back!" -Hans Moleman
Bad movie, very bad movie! No treat! You want to hurt this film. And I mean BAD! I have prepared a list of how the original "Maximum Overdrive" is a far better movie (and cult classic I might add). 1. At least in Maximum Overdrive, they gave you some idea of why the machines were going insane. In this flagrent little piece of filth, trucks just come alive and run over people in the shower, go figure. 2. In "Max", The leader was a gargantuan, black eighteen wheeler with an intimadating goblin head and glowing red eyes. In this wretched waste of air time, the leader was a U-Haul with a car bra. That's right, you heared me! 3."Maximum Overdrive" + AC/DC=Good. This little slap to Stephen King's face + Rejected Jerry Goldsmith musicºD! Defenetly MST3K material.

The Mangler

There is a fate worse than death...this film
This is without a doubt, one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. If only it could have been a black comedy, oh well. After a grizzly, gooey, squishy accident/murdery-poo, a laundry steam ironer becomes possesed by a demon (Look out Weezy!). A big chinned detective investigates while he talks with a mouth full 'o marbles. He comes to the perfectly logical explanation that a wirey virgin and her decaying grandpapa are (is?) behind this. The detective and his hippie-brother-like-thing go to the laundry matte and hilarity ensues. All kiding aside, this really would have done great if Mr. Hooper had just tried a little harder, or they could have hired Joe Dante and made it a delightful little horror/comedy. Campy yet dumb. Stupid yet laughable. If you want to laugh till the cows come home, rent or buy this putrid little beauty.


Get out Mr.Crichton! Get out while you still can!
Congo. A "film" some might call it. I had got stuck seeing this when I was ten with some ill-mannered brat I don't like. I was too busy keeping myself from stuffing popcorn in his every air hole so I didn't pay attention to the movie very much. I went home and forgot all about it.

Four Years Later...

I pick up the book Congo in the library and read it. Brilliant! But then again, what Crichton book isn't? The day after I finish it, I rent this deposit of doubtful dialouge. How the hell do the people at Paramount pictures talk? Old Johnny Boy better have a good explanation for taking this wonderful book and transforming it into this atrocity. As soon as the credits finished I cried. I couldn't believe that the likes of Bruce Campbell, Jerry Goldsmith, Industrial Light & Magic, and Stan Winston were involved in this pile. Ol' Ash should've just got out his trusty chainsaw and decapitated Frank Marshell. Ugh, I really hope this and The Lost World get remade some day. Maybe by Brian de Palma and George Lucas. Yeah,....*sigh*

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