
IMDb member since August 1999
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    24 years


Being John Malkovich

A terrible waste of time
I can't believe this movie is so well received. I am officially warning all intelligent movie goers to avoid this one. With a concept, barely strong enough to fill an SNL skit, Being... is boring and poorly acted. I sat through the whole movie, hoping and waiting for something entertaining or enciteful, but nothing emerged. This movie is designed for the brain-dead and emotionally impaired. I gave it one star.

Fatal Instinct

Hilarious Spoof
Fatal Instinct is one of those guilty pleasures. It's incredibly silly and very funny. Some of the dialogue sounds dead on fast-talking early detective thriller, but the actions are outrageous and the physical comedy non-stop. If you liked the Naked Gun series, you'll love this one.

The Blair Witch Project

The Blair Witch Project was not a scary movie. The hype surrounding it, far surpassed its merit. Granted, the acting is believable and the story is interesting, but the fear factor is not there. Three students hiking in a dry field with bad film techniques, does not make a great film. They could have at least chose some menacingly dark woods for a setting. However, the contrived stupidness of this movie succeeded in duping movie -goers out of millions.

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