
IMDb member since December 1999
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    IMDb Member
    24 years


Arlington Road

Something wrong!
There is something unconvincing in this movie. It starts brilliantly and the suspense mounts on and on. But when the complete truth comes out ... Would it be a B-movie you will accept the description of this terrorism secret society that operates underground, (that is openly, just the regular family the next door), and the party of terrorists chatting and smiling reminds you of some Carpenter or Romero movies. But the movie pretends to be serious, so that at the end you expect a more persuasive explanation of the intricate final plan, which has something of the incredible. I would contest something even about the acting of Bridges and Hutton. Jeff Bridges, in particular, is overperforming his dramatic role, so that you do not have any surprise, because his grave appearance, hardly changing in any circumstance, makes you expect the worse, which regularly happens.

The Marseille Contract

Good Actors, Weak Script
Since the beginning it appears that the director has a good knowledge and ability in the "noir" gender. The actors (mainly Quinn) give the impression that a classic, perfect movie is going on. Unfortunately after a few scenes the script shows its weakness. The story is acceptable, even if not original. But the dialogues reveal soon a number of commonplaces and the director seems not to be really convinced about the movie. A very good performance by Anthony Quinn, while Michael Caine plays below its average.

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