paulo BH

IMDb member since January 2000
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    24 years


Louise Brooks: Looking for Lulu

Meeting Lulu
The movie tell the life of one of the most beautiful actress of all the times. With an exotic appearance, that mixed sensuality and innocence, she marked the decade of 1920 with herb short hairdo and the small mouth. The movie show that her path was difficult: of a humble origin, inside the USA, going by the acme in the European films, until the decadence, caused by the contempt of her own fellow citizens to her very liberal lifestyle. An important film for any lover of the movies and especially for that wonderful woman's fans.

L'uomo che ride

Unworthy of the original!
This is a new version of famous German classic of 1928 starring Conrad Veidt. The theme is basically the same: a boy, kidnapped by gypsies, has his face deformed to be always smiling and thus become a circus attraction. Sold to company of traveling artists, he knows a blind girl, for who falls in love.

But a great difference exists between both movies: Of England of the king James II, the history was transferred to Italy of the 16º century, in the times of Caesar and Lucretia Borgia. Angelo - the man that always laughs - is a monster, horrendous, much uglier than the character that Veidt interprets in the original film and he will become a killer to service of Borgia.

Besides, the history is very exaggerating and a scene is difficult to believe: the plastic surgery that transforms Angelo in a perfect copy of the Duke is absurd even in the patterns of the year 2000, imagine in the 16º century!

A movie without interest, with a good proposal but very badly developed.

Garrincha - Alegria do Povo

The most surprising player of soccer of all the times!
Manoel dos Santos, Garrincha (1933 - 1983), was one of the best players of soccer of all the times. Player of Botafogo from Rio de Janeiro and of the Brazilian selection, he surprised for his incredible appearance: his legs were crooked (both) and even so, he was an exceptional player.

One of the responsible principal for the conquest of two world championships of soccer to Brazil (1958 and 1962), this film was accomplished while his career was in the peak.

In this film we can know the small city where he was born, the family, his relationship with the team companions and with the fans and, mainly, a lot of scenes of his impressive technique, what does a fair homage of this film to one of the largest Brazilian idols of all the times.

Nelson Sargento no Morro da Mangueira

The samba agonizes but it doesn't die!
Nelson Sargento counts facts of life of an old musician of Rio de Janeiro, an alive legend of the hill of the Mangueira, headquarters of the most traditional school of samba of Brazil. Author of famous and very popular sambas, Nelson Sargento is a great fighter that makes an effort in maintaining the alive samba, once that this typical musical rhythm of Brazil is dying little by little, victim of the cultural dominance originating from of other countries and even due to the increase of the popular preference for other rhythms. The film presents beautiful images of the hill of the Mangueira, beautiful in your poverty. Glimpses some people that met Nelson Sargento along your life and it also tries to show the cheerful and musical side of the people of the city of Rio de Janeiro, today so suffered for the violence. Finally, a short wonderful, fair homage to one of the great Brazilian popular musicians.

Floradas na Serra

The love among people with few hopes.
In a hospital for tuberculous, a sick woman finds the love in a patient recently interned. The tuberculosis was, at that time, a disease of very difficult cure and the patients were considered condemned people to die slowly. In the atmosphere of the sanatorium, the several characters lives cross, showing your hopes, loves, sadness and happiness.

This film, one of the most important of Vera Cruz, the most important Brazilian company of movies of the time, has as interpreters great actors, especially the theater star Cacilda Becker, in your only interpretation in the movies.

The Man from the Alamo

hero or coward?
During the war of independence of Texas, a group of five men of the city of Oxbow chooses, for a raffle, who would leave the fort Alamo to save the families of all them of the Mexican troops. Stroud is the chosen, but is considered a coward by the other men of the fort, that don't know about the real reason of his escape.

However, when arriving to his home, his family and the one of all his companions had been killed by American renegades, that struggled beside of the Mexicans. Now, is the hour of the his revenge! But how to face the hostility of all the Texans that considered him a coward for fleeing of the Alamo?

Happily, his heroic behavior due to the adversities, as when leading a caravan of Texans before an attack of the renegades, will show to his compatriots him real value!

Good film, with good interpretations. An excellent western for a Saturday afternoon.

Two Billion Hearts

A sensational film, but for who loves the soccer only
That sporting documentary, tell the history of the World Cup of Soccer of 1994, in the USA, gained by Brazil. With beautiful images of the stadiums, games, inciters and teams, it is an exciting film, where the stars are the players that do of that event the biggest world sporting party. The title of the movie refer to the number of people that attended the final game, in other words, third part of the world population!

Le quattro giornate di Napoli

The people of a city and his fight against the tyranny
This good film tell a historical fact: the resistance of the people common of Naples against the Nazi, that they occupied the city in 1943, after the fall of Mussolini. Using only light weapons left by the Italian soldiers, they look for hopelessly to maintain the freedom, once the American soldiers are approximating if. For four days, the heroic resistance of popular gets to maintain the military situation in an impasse... Film of beautiful and touching images, as the father taking the dead combatant son in the arms to be veiled home; the people playing domestic objects of the windows on the Germans or the boys of the reformatory, rebelling and fleeing for they unite to the resistance. Unforgettable!!

La diagonale du fou

The Cold War in a chess game
Disputing the world title of chess, sit down in chairs opposite two soviets. However, none of the two is Russian: one of them, the champion, is Jewish. The other, the challenger, is a Lithuanian, political exile that is refugee in another country. This game will be a mirror of the Cold War: each movement is dangerous, each play is strategically important. Who is the best? The communist Jew, obedient to the Soviet state, or the Lithuanian traitor, enemy of the proletarian revolution? A beautiful end, where the game in itself has, for both, a larger importance than the world title and they consequences. A good film, with reasonable tension, great representative of the rare Swiss movies.

The Bravados

A man has your murdered wife and your robbed gold. The murderers are arrested and convicts to the death, but they flee, and the man leaves in search of the revenge... And that will especially be cruel... However, at the end of the settling of accounts, a surprising revelation will alter the course of the history, demonstrating how it is empty the revenge and the justice for the own hands... Peck, as the revengeful husband and cold, is in your more frightening role.


As is difficult to live together with the own decadence!!
Stelinha is a film that reminds the classic of Billy Wilder " Sunset Boulevard ". A youth musician meets accidentally with a famous singer of the 50's years, now almost forgotten. He wraps up with her and it ends if turning your lover, in the hope of removing her of your sad road of alcoholism and depression and initiate again her career of singer. However, unable to recover her, he desist of him good intentions, leaving her definitively and, involuntarily, pushing her to the more completes decadence. The end of the film, with Stelinha in rags singing for a group of indigent and beggars, it is depressing... Winner of the Festival of Brazilian Movies of Gramado, this movie, accomplished in 1990, it is the best interpretation of the beautiful Brazilian actress Esther Goes.

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