
IMDb member since October 1999
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    24 years



A Great Show!
When this show premiered I was 8 yrs. old. I remember my family and I would sit down together and watch this great sitcom. It had great comedy, a good message about faith, and a great cast! If you catch the reruns of this show I suggest you sit back and watch it.

Home & Family

I miss this great show!!!
I used to watch Home and Family when it came on at noon and loved every minute of it. Michael Burger was hilarious (and to me much better than Chuck Woolery) and I would alway's have tear's of laughter when he would go into his schtick. Cristina Ferarre was also fun to watch when she would react to Michael Burger's or as Cristina used to call him "Mikey's," hijink's! Cristina would also do cooking segment's, Candice Garvey would do craft segment's and sometimes with Bob Golic (a huge ex-pro football player) who would let everyone see his softer side. Then later in the program Kim (can't remember her last name) would do the movie review's and celeb gossip. What I loved the best about this show is that we got to live an hour with the families of this great cast. Cristina would bring her two daughter's to the set with her, Candace had her children with her, and we got to witness Kim give birth to her first child Hunter. We also went through Kim's fear's with her as she went and had mamogram and had a cancer scare when they found an abnormal lump in her breast. I can still remember her face as she told Mike and Cristina about her possibly having breast cancer and then breaking down into tear's. Luckily there was no cancer found. Yes I miss this show and hope one day some other station will bring the family back!

Return to Mayberry

Great, Wonderful, Sweet Movie!
I caught this movie at 3:00 in the morning and have since taped it. I was 8 when this movie first aired on t.v. but appreciate it a heck of a lot more now that I'm older. Seeing the star's from the old Griffith Show reunited was wonderful and they all looked like they were having such a good time working together again. It's a shame that Aneta Corsaut, Jack Dodson, Hal Smith, and Howard McNear have passed away. When they died we lost a special part of Mayberry.

The Girl in the Empty Grave

An O.k. Movie
The story is about a small town police Chief (Andy Griffith) who one day spots a girl drive by the police station who was supposed to have commited suicide months before. He then spots her again at the funeral of her parents and an investigation begins to try and uncover the truth. An O.K. movie with an O.K. plot, but seems to drag along in spots. The ending though will surprise you! If you want to see Griffith at his best, try and catch him in "Winter Kill!"

The Whole Nine Yards

A Real Piece of Garbage!
I rented this movie not long ago and let me tell you I hated it! First of all it wasn't at all funny unless you think mindless killing is hilarious. Some scene's really appauled me and was telling the audience "Hey, killing people is funny!" I just hope one day Hollywood will wake up and make a movie with some moral's. Although it's Hollywood, it will probably never catch on. I just think it glorified the mob too much. If your a Matthew Perry fan don't waste money seeing this movie.

Mayberry R.F.D.

Back on TVland!
I was really happy to see that Mayberry RFD is back on the air. I have never really seen this show except for a few episodes but am anxious to start watching it. As a die-hard fan of The Andy Griffith Show I know this show isn't as good but It's interesting to watch the next generation of Mayberrian's. My favorite episode I've seen so far is the Wedding of Andy and Helen.

Matlock: Diary of a Perfect Murder
Episode 1, Season 1

Great Pilot Movie
Diary of a Perfect Murder is a fun and interesting movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat. The real killer is never known until the very end when Ben Matlock (Andy Griffith) brings to light the identity of the murderer. In case your not aware, Diary of a Perfect Murder served as the pilot for the long running series Matlock that ran from 1986-1995. Everything's pretty much the same except for the character of Charlene is played by actor Lori Lethen and there is also a secretary that never appears later on. Ben to me seems to be more spry in this movie and very exciting to watch as he tries to solve the case. This movie ranks up there with Columbo!

Winter Kill

Great film
I just saw this wednesday and I thought it was great! It's alway's nice to see Andy Griffith in a movie were he's a good person and a sheriff to boot. I agree with the commentor about the scenery, simply breathe taking and the ending is great and suspenceful. Any Andy Griffith fan will love this film...the best and a must see!!!

The Innocent

I thought it was pretty good!
I caught this movie on t.v. and thought it was a pretty good movie. Sure, Kelsey does sound like Frasier but the rest of the cast such as that cuty pie little boy was so cute and very believable as an autistic child. I also enjoyed watching Dean Stockwell, post Quantum Leap in this film. He was excellent in the role as the police chief. All in all a good film!

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