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Death in Paradise: Episode #13.8
Episode 8, Season 13

I think it's time to get rid of Catherine.
Say what? Why would you want to get rid of a character that seems so kind and motherly? Yes, you heard me right. For several episodes spread over the past two seasons, she has given me the impression of being a person who presumes to know everything better when it comes to the emotional world, forcing people to do her will and getting very angry when she doesn't get her way. During the daughter story in season 12, she got very cross with Selwyn, when the only 'evidence' of his transgressions was a three second audio effect of him zoning out. At the end of episode 3 of season 13, she suggested the culprits should get away with murder (because, you know, men are evil, according to modern lore), which led to me considering to just quit this show altogether. In the current episode, well, it could have been the perfect happy ending (albeit a little predictable and deus ex machina, perhaps), but they somehow ruined it a bit for me. Are you there because you want to, or because that bossy five letter b word got her angry face on again? It seems the writers are getting worse at doing the emotional backstory, and it occurred to me that most of my least favourite episodes include one of her hissy fits. So yes, I do think it is time to get rid of this presumptuous character. I am now rather less excited about the upcoming season than I was before.

(Oh, you wanted a review of the rest of the episode? Well, enough plot twists to keep us entertained, as usual.)

Sherlock: The Final Problem
Episode 3, Season 4

OK, but it's just not Sherlock, is it?
I am sad to say season 4 turns out to be my least favourite season of Sherlock. All of these trippy dream scenes and psychological drama are not what made the first three seasons such an enjoyable show for me, and this episode definitely has too much of that. Also, there are some plot holes and implausible scenarios. The scene with the glass is very questionable from a physics viewpoint, and as for the plane, without going into too much spoiling detail I can say that I saw this coming (whether that is necessarily a bad thing is something I leave up to you). I'm not saying it's not a gripping story, but perhaps it would have been better as a standalone film. It's not what I hoped to see on Sherlock. It feels a bit like the writers were overcomplicating things and going in the wrong direction thematically in an effort to create their masterpiece finale.


Couldn't make less sense if they tried.
(This review probably doesn't contain any spoilers worth mentioning, though.)

Well, let's see what we've got here...

Take a few plot elements stolen from The Ring/Ringu, an incomprehensible story of a little girl who died due to some sort of medical condition or malpractice and now lives inside the wires of the internet looking to exact revenge on the doctor who now happens to run a website where you can watch people get killed (or was it the site that kills, or both?), a hint of fetish porn, a load of I-took-too-many-psychedelic-drugs special effects (well, "effects" is a big word, they're more like lots of flashes, shifting and blurring combined with a bunch of noise), a cop and a doctor trying to find out what in the world is going on, put them all in a blender, mix them up for a couple of minutes, and you've got something that resembles this movie.

Did that make sense to you? No? Not surprising, given the fact that the plot of this movie is rather incomprehensible and flies off in every direction, a fact which the creators further try to obscure by means of the effects I mentioned earlier. I even have to wonder whether I explained this right, as the events are often rather disjointed. I added a spoiler flag for good measure to go with my attempt to explain a few of the plot twists, but I don't think it really matters. I kept wondering whether there was any way that the story could redeem itself, a bit like a train wreck from which you can't look away. In that sense this movie proves its own point somewhat, if there was any, and I suppose that will remain its only merit. However, by the time your reach the scene that is supposed to be the big showdown, where our hero saves the day by performing yet another nonsensical act, you've given up trying to explain all of this and just go "Yeah, whatever..."

I suggest that if you do attempt to sit through this one, you find something else to do in the meantime, like a crossword puzzle or a Sudoku, because here's one movie that definitely does not deserve your undivided attention.


If you're into this sort of thing, it's hilarious
I watched a couple of episodes of this sketch series while I was residing in New Zealand for a couple of months, and I must say, I found it to be quite hilarious. The episodes consist of a series of unrelated sketches (although there often are recurring character across episodes) played by a small group of actors. The humour mostly has an absurd and/or "groaner" kind of style, frequently leading up to a punchline that will make you want to slap your forehead ("D'oh!", to put it the Homer Simpson way). I will readily admit that this may be a "love it or hate it" kind of thing. Both this structure and style of humour are somewhat reminiscent of what can be seen on several British comedy series of this type, like 'Little Britain', 'Smack the Pony', 'Dead Ringers', 'French and Saunders' and others in this rather politically incorrect league. Even though some characters bear names like the Australian Fast Bowler, the jokes are not largely Australia-specific; in order to get them, you basically need to speak English and you're there (if not, grab a subtitle).

Beavis and Butt-Head Do America

Pleasantly surprised
I liked the B&B-series on MTV, but I wasn't sure whether I could bear watching a full-lenth movie with these two guys. I was glad to find out that I could. I think the series gives a pretty good idea of what to expect, and the movie is no worse than the series (as with some series that were made into movies). My rating: 7 out of 10

Liar Liar

Carrey is a first grade fruitcake
If you want to see an actor that appears to be totally out of his mind, you'll probably like this one. You'll know what I mean if you have seen Jim Carrey before.

After Fletcher Reede (Carrey) finds out that he is unable to lie for the next 24 hours (quite inconvenient for a lawyer), complete physical and mental madness ensues. I thought it was rather funny.

Theodore Rex

Why does everyone seem to hate this movie so much? I was looking at the IMDb bottom 100, when I noticed this title and thought: hey, I've seen that one. Peculiarly, I don't recall disliking the movie. I'd rate it more like 'average'.

Street Fighter

How low can you go?
Well, I watched only the end part of this movie, and I would have left if it weren't for the fact that I had absolutely nothing better to do at that particular moment. I'm glad I didn't see more of it. Shame on the person who came up with this ridiculous stuff. Bad dialogue, bad humor, bad plot, all bad. A word of advice: turn off your brain before attempting to watch this movie, otherwise it will be damaged.


I liked this one.
I'm kind of surprised to see this is the first comment, but here it is...

I haven't seen all of this movie, because (as you can see here in IMDb) it's a TV movie, and I put the channel on when it was already halfway or so, though I would have liked to see the rest of it. This movie is correctly categorized as drama, but I found certain aspects actually quite amusing. (possibly a minor spoiler, but I think it isn't) E.g., can you imagine the look on the psychiatrist's face when he sees his patient who thinks she's a werewolf (and she is, but he doesn't know/believe) actually turn in to a wolf? Now who needs a shrink? The story-lines with the psychiatrist, her boyfriend and the wolf expert all work quite nicely together. My vote is 8 out of 10.

Fatal Instinct

A little over the top
This comedy was entertaining, but not the best I have seen. The movie contains quite a lot of silly scenes, and that can be funny from time to time. The problem here is that most of the scenes are just a bit *too* silly.

The movie is comparable to the Naked Gun movies, but in my opinion NG was just a bit better.

My vote: 6 out of 10.

Hot Shots!

Have you seen Top Gun? Did you like it? Do you like comedy? If the answer to one or more of these questions is yes, you should go see this hilarious parody. I certainly laughed parts of my body off of which I didn't even know I had them! Warning: don't watch if you have no sense of humor.


A comedy about vengeance
Have a bit of a sadist touch? Then I think you'll like this one. It is about a woman, who is betrayed by her husband, and then makes a plan to take her revenge. We see her put this into action systematically, one aspect at a time, ruining her ex-husband's life. I thought it was rather witty.

The World Is Not Enough

Bond is back, and he's cool!
Lets get started: this movie is cool! If you enjoyed the previous Bond movies, you will like this one for sure. James Bond is back in his classical relaxed and humorous style. So why don't you buy a ticket, sit back and enjoy!

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