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The Cell

mind trip
The director Singh has done a fabulous job in bringing us into the mind of first, a boy in coma and second, a savage serial killer. The sheer originality of these set pieces is what made the film. Secondary players that help to set this mood are the great costumes, the fantastic art direction and the great score by Howard Shore.

Mission: Impossible II

action maximus
This is typical summer fare. Anyone expecting more needs to take life less seriously. I really enjoyed the 1st MI, convoluted plot and all. I though Brian Depalma did a great job. This is John Woo's turn to do what he does best. The action sequences in this film are stupendous (though at times very JamesBondish)...this is what he does best. That is why Tom cruise hired him; he delivers the goods.

Summer is a time to park your brain and be entertained...

Just DO IT!!!!

Erin Brockovich

fabulously entertaining
I hope this film was not released too early in the year to be forgotten come Oscar time! Nicely written, well directed and beautifully photographed. The score is quite subtle in that it is used only when completely necessary and then is never overbearing. Julia Robert's portrayal is definetely her best to date. Her supporting cast especially Albert Finney and Marg Helgenberger come very close to stealing the show. Excellent (mainstream) job Steven Soderberg!! (and so what if his latest film WAS more mainstream????)

Being John Malkovich

Brilliant! Original! Unique! Funny! Touching!

This film should have won the screenplay was amazingly original and well crafted.

Where else can you see a film that explores unrequited love, longing to be someone else, immortality, love for the sake of love (no matter WHO it is).

All of the cast is fabulous...the most perfect film that I have seen in 1999!


Charming romantic comedy
This film has genuine laughs, romance and good acting. Following Gabriel and Mark from place to place looking for sexual refuge, and the miriad of characters they come upon is the true charm of this film. It has no in-your-face sentimentality or melodrama, just plain old human realism. The range of emotions and feelings Gabriel goes through (at first thinking this will be a quick release and on-with-your-life then being forced to spend time with this stranger and become closer) is heartfelt and true to the fact; I am sure many at one time or another have felt such pangs, doubts and excitement.

Like in most films, the supporting cast is superb. Clinton Leupp as Coco (the token drag queen), Steve Hayes as the older friend (and always wise) Perry and Lorri Bagley as the dippy (yet very profound) sex-therapist wannabe Judy; all shine bright in their comedic moments.

Girl, Interrupted

Outstanding performances
The absolute best thing about this film are the knockout performances by it's 2 main stars Winona Ryder and Angelina Jolie though both characters (hence performances) are very different they stand out nonetheless. It seems to me to be somewhat easier to play a psychotic than to play a regular neurotic, so who really has the better portrayal of the two?

Brittany Murphy as "Daisy" shines in her scenes. She is a force to reckon with in her future film career.

James Mangold directed this film quite nicely from a very good screenplay; he managed to portray all these young women as young women in turmoil. No melodrama, no over the top sentimentality, just a frank peek into their tumultuous lives.

It is a heavy drama, so be forewarned! And a very moving drama at that.

The Talented Mr. Ripley

A well told and stylish yarn
First and foremost, the acting in this film is outstanding. Matt Damon alone shows that he is not a one hit wonder; his subtle portrayal of the off-center ripley is enjoyable to watch. However, Jude Law pretty well runs away with the film; quite the presence in this film. Cate Blanchett (oh Cate!) shines with her short role; one of her great follow ups to her superb role as Elizabeth.

Minghella shows once again how a story should be told; his direction is quite extraordinary surely an oscar nom for him. Technically speaking, the film has superb cinematography, excellent production design and Gabriel Yared helps set the 50's mood not to mention the mystery and loneliness that is Ripley.

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