El Duderino

IMDb member since December 1999
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    24 years


Things Are Tough All Over

Another great Cheech and Chong film!
I was still laughing at this film long after I had finished watching it. Cheech and Chong are just as funny as ever, and this film just adds to their other classic comedy films. Chong is especially hilarious because he's on peyote for basically the entire film. Cheech is just as funny, and even Rip Taylor makes an appearance to heighten the comedy. Cheech and Chong also play characters named Prince Habib and Mr. Slyman who make the film much funnier. Watch for the song Cheech and Chong sing in the desert and when Rip Taylor picks them up off the street - those parts are hysterical.

Up in Smoke

The best Cheech and Chong movie yet!
Even though Cheech and Chong have made over 10 films together, I still think that there first film, Up In Smoke, is their best. Directed by Lou Adler and written by Cheech and Chong, there is no way that anyone will be displeased with this classic. The constant use of drugs is very prominent in this film and that is what makes it so funny. What's especially funny is when Chong lights up his giant joint and smokes it with Cheech. The film really gets good when Cheech and Chong get a van made out of pot to drive back to the States when they accidentally get deported. The film gets better and better, and I guarantee that if you rent it, you won't be disappointed.

Still Smokin

Not what I expected...
After seeing Cheech and Chong's Up In Smoke, I thought that Still Smokin' would be just as hilarious. It turns out I was way wrong and I was very disappointed at the quality of this film. Among the awful cast, the transitions to and from dream sequences were so confusing that I wasn't sure which part was the actual film and which part was the dream sequence. Occasionally the film would make me start to laugh, but then Cheech would become some annoying character that I just wanted to slap. Cheech and Chong really let me down with this one- but I'm not too upset because there will always be Up In Smoke.

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