
IMDb member since December 1999
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    24 years



One of the ten best camp films ever made!
I found this rare Mandingo sequel at a street fare and let me point this very clear: it's great. Blaxplotation is not only about Shaft, Richard Pryor or Blacula, but also about slavery. In the tradition of the shocking FAREWELL UNCLE TOM, Drum is the story of a studly and good-hearted black man. Tortured by a depraved homosexual (who wants to have sex with him), married by rape to Pam Grier and then sold to a plantation owner, Drum always serves his masters. The movie is full of those funny twists, the basic moves of every good camp movie: sex, torture, cheesy dialogue and gratuitous nudity and violence. Highly recommended for collectors and fans of "it's so bad that I love it".


Sleazy Brazilian "Desperate hours"
OK, it's not a gem or an unforgettable story, but at least provides some good tension. A wealthy family is attacked by a group of human monsters in a Sao Paulo suburbia. They rape the sexually unsatisfied housewife and turn everybody's life into a mess. The plot is not unique (Desperate hours has two American versions and we can't forget the German Funny Games, which has the same story), but the movie has something brutal and funny that called my attention. Worth seeing.

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