
IMDb member since January 2000
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The Osbournes

I loved the show, and I bought the DVD so I could watch it whenever I wanted. I still think it's funny. If you watch it on DVD, I recommend leaving the "bleeps" on (so you can't hear the swearing), because otherwise the show looses much of its charm and cuteness. With the swearing in full-force, it seems much more like a dysfunctional family with way too much money and time on their hands. I only wish I also had the second, third, fourth seasons on DVD, too. But the first season is definitely the best. The bonus features are pretty funny. I recommend the blooper reel! Pretty funny stuff. Also, the menus on the DVD are really creative and involve the family dogs (not Kelly!) doing some pretty funny stuff.

Napoleon Dynamite

I've had better!
This movie has definitely developed a cult following. My friends recommended that I see it when it was released in theaters, but I never got around to it. They described it as "an awkward movie about awkward people being awkward." Basically, I didn't really get it. I kind of understand how other people could think it was the Funniest Movie of All Time, but I'm not one of those people. This movie is by far more fun to quote than it is to watch. It's hilarious out-of-context, but not worth sitting down for an hour and a half to watch. When my dad saw it, he said it was like watching your kids in the school play: cute, but not really entertaining. And I would have to agree. It's funny, but not hilarious. It's good for about 20 minutes, not 90.

Eddie Izzard: Dress to Kill

Funny stuff!
This is an excellent stand-up DVD! Eddie Izzard is the funniest person I have seen in years. His routine is hilarious and makes for great conversation with others who have seen it. I HIGHLY recommend this one. The part about the history of Europe is a bit slow, but the ending jokes in French are quite good, because you don't have to speak French to get it (although if you do, it is still hilarious). Also, the parts about being a transvestite are quite good. The first scene (about San Francisco) is not great, but funny the first time. Skip over those if you can. It's almost not worth watching. However, this really is a funny, funny stand-up show that everyone should see. "I was dead at the time!"

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